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“INDEX” in “Undermining Racial Justice”
- activism. See black activism/black campus movement (BCM)
- ACT test, 179, 252–53
- affirmative action admissions/Opportunity Awards Program (OAP). See also Black Action Movement (BAM)
- black students banned by voters in 2006 and, 243–44
- “businessman-like view” for dealing with, 172–73
- creation of, at UM, 54–55
- executive orders and, 41, 43–50, 63–66, 132
- expansion of, after BAM, 113–14
- faculty hiring policies and, 87–89, 131–36
- financial aid and, 113–14, 151, 161
- Freshman Year of Studies program and, 86–87
- Harold Shapiro and, 169–74
- Human Relations Committee (HRC) and, 78–81, 85, 86
- Leonard Sain and, 51–55
- medical school and, 26–28
- Michigan Mandate and, 206–10
- MLK Memorial Fund and, 77, 85
- Niara Sudarkasa and, 176–186
- opponents of, 26–28, 56, 105–7, 156–59, 216–20, 243–44
- non-black minorities and, 136–40
- political and legal risk in shaping, 52–53
- social class and, 146–53, 161–62, 166–67, 174–76, 178, 197, 205–6, 209–10, 233–37, 241
- under Sjogren and Goodman, 145–52
- student support service and, 112–13
- Summer Bridge Program, 147
- Supreme Court decisions on (See Supreme Court decisions)
- UM actions after banning of, 244–48
- African American Cultural Lounge, 126
- Afro-American and African Cultural Living Units, 121–26
- Afro-American Society (SAS), 89
- Agnew, Spiro, 105–6
- Allen, John M., 56
- American Civil Liberties Union, 123
- Anderson, James, 225–26
- Angell, James, 222–24
- Asian American students,
- activism and, 139–43
- admissions and, 179
- affirmative action and, 139–40, 158, 177–78
- diversity rationale and, 171
- merit aid and, 161
- athletes, admissions policies for, 32–33
- Ayers, Bill, 68
- Bakke, Allan, 54, 157–58, 218, 219
- Banks, Veronica, 99
- Black Action Movement (BAM)
- administration response to, 94–99, 102–3
- creation of, 92
- demands of, 92–93
- Detroit Rebellion of 1967 and, 100
- disruptive change and, 94
- faculty support for, 101–3
- institutional racism and, 93–94
- police and, 95, 99
- resolution of, 102–3
- tactics and, 99–101
- Black Action Movement II, 140–43. See also Third World Coalition Council (TWCC)
- Black Action Movement III, 194–98. See also United Coalition Against Racism
- black activism/black campus movement (BCM), 1, 4, 61–62, 67–68.
- assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. and, 74–75, 76
- black history course and, 71–72, 79–80
- Black Power influence on, 69, 76
- black students’ lack of faith in campus administrators and, 76
- campus uprisings and, 69–70
- civil rights movement and, 42–43
- demands presented in 1968 by, 74–75
- MLK Memorial Fund and, 76–78
- new laws and rules regarding, 106–11
- New Left and, 68, 76
- protests and, 89–91, 98–100, 107
- racial inclusion in administration and, 72–74
- scholarship on, 4–5
- United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR) and, 191–201
- workplace discrimination and, 40–43
- black faculty, 87–89, 131–36
- Black History: Lost, Stolen or Strayed, 127
- Black Panthers, 69
- Black Power movement, 69, 76
- black students. See also black activism/black campus movement (BCM)
- attrition and, 2, 60–62, 65, 85–87, 96–98, 116–118, 125, 129–31, 145–50, 165–66, 168–69, 174–75, 182–83, 185, 212, 229–30
- Black Student Union (BSU) and, 69, 80
- discriminatory educational policies in Detroit and, 19–20, 154–55
- early admissions policies at UM and, 10–11
- enrollment numbers for, 19, 28, 40, 45, 53, 61, 89, 111–15, 128–31, 146–47, 159–63, 251–52
- financial aid for, 113–14, 151, 161–62
- housing and, 34–36, 81–83, 115, 120–26
- social alienation/isolation and, 2, 39, 85–87, 100, 115, 118–20, 123–24, 128–30, 149, 165, 169, 182–83, 185, 189, 202, 210–14, 229, 230
- stereotypes about, 167
- supportive services for, 112–13
- in UM medical school, 27–28
- Black Student Union (BSU), 69, 80, 166, 174
- list of demands by, in 2013, 247–48
- reemergence in the 1980s, 176
- social media campaigns by, 246–47
- Blassingame, John, 71
- Bok, Derek, 234–36
- Bollinger, Lee, 221, 244
- Boone, William, 38
- Boston Guardian, 120
- Bowen, William, 234–36
- Briggs, Clyde, 74, 79
- Brigham, Carl, 17
- Brinkerhoff, James, 107
- Brown, Robert, 99
- Burton, Martin, 33
- Bush, George H. W., 217
- Bush House, 125
- Butts, Thomas, 151
- Calkins, Laura, 222–23
- Cantor, Nancy, 222–24
- Carney, Kevin, 255
- Cash, William, 78, 85, 88
- Cass, Lewis, 13
- Center for Research and Conflict Resolution (CRCR), 110–11
- certification system, UM admissions, 14–25
- Chavis, John, 55, 59, 79
- Chesler, Mark, 203
- City of Richmond v. Croson, 217–18, 220, 233
- City University of New York (CUNY), 113
- Civil Rights Act of 1964, 54, 62, 121, 122
- civil rights movement, 42–45
- Executive Order 10925 and, 43–44
- Coalition for the Use of Learning Skills (CULS), 112, 115, 118, 119
- Cobb, Jewell, 133–35, 180
- Cobo Hall, 155–56
- Cohen, Carl, 156–59, 167, 219
- Cohen, Robert, 68
- Coleman, Mary Sue, 242, 244, 246, 248
- Columbia University, 14
- Committee on Civil Rights, 27
- Committee to End Discrimination (CED), 26–27
- Communist Party USA, 76
- conservatism, 216–19, 241–42
- co-optation of black activism, 1–3, 50–51, 81, 89, 231–32, 237
- breakdown of, 103
- success of, 128, 136
- Cornell University, 83, 89
- Cosby, Bill, 127
- Couzens Hall, 127, 189, 190
- Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, The, 79
- critical race theory, 5
- Cruse, Harold, 79–80
- Daane, R. K., 122–23, 138
- Dartmouth University, affirmative action program at, 54
- DeFunis v. Odegaard, 54
- Delgado, Hector, 190
- Democratic Party, 42, 43
- Deskins, Donald, 172
- Detroit, Michigan
- crime in, 155–56
- diversity and black students from, 170, 174–75
- Goodman and Sjogren on admission of students from, 145–50, 148, 161, 167–69, 180–81
- Gratz and Grutter and black students from, 233–34
- Michigan Mandate and black students from, 206, 209–10
- public schools in, 26, 154–55, 209–10
- Rebellion of 1967, 69, 81–82, 100
- Sudarkasa and, 179–82
- Detroit Free Press, 106, 156
- Detroit News, 167
- Detroit Rebellion of 1967, 69, 81, 82, 100
- Detroit Urban League, 123
- disruptive change, 5, 50, 94, 101, 107, 201, 254–58
- Diversity Blueprints Task Force, 244
- diversity rationale, 31–33, 169–74, 189
- Duderstadt and, 202–4
- racial climate and, 182–86
- social justice and, 204–5
- Sudarkasa on, 179–86
- Dorr, Harold M., 27
- D’Souza, Dinesh, 188–89, 216
- Duderstadt, James, 188, 189–203, 221, 224, 231
- mixing of accountability and ambiguity by, 205–7
- view of the diversity rationale, 202–4
- vision of model multiracial community of, 210–13
- Dunn, Gerald, 126
- Eckstein, Ruth, 60
- Eisenhower, Dwight, 41
- Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act of 1976, 219–20
- English, Richard, 147–48
- Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Plan, 88
- eugenics, 16–17, 18–19
- Executive Order 1114, 49–50
- Executive Order 10925, 43–45, 49, 63
- Executive Order 11246, 63
- Executive Order 11375, 132
- Fabre, Ed, 176
- faculty, black, 87–89, 131–36
- Fair Housing Act of 1968, 122
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 76–77
- Feldkamp, John, 79, 83, 115, 122
- financial aid, 113–14, 151, 161–62, 256
- merit-based vs. need-based, 175–76
- Fisher, Abigail, 249–50
- Fleming, Robben, 67, 70–74, 81, 128, 200
- assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. and, 74–76
- Black Action Movement (BAM) and, 94–103, 105, 107–9
- black faculty hiring and, 87–89, 131–36
- on black identity and cultural appreciation, 83–84
- on desegregated dormitories, 81–82
- Federal Bureau of Investigation and, 76–77
- Freshman Year of Studies program and, 87
- new laws regarding protests and, 107–11
- on problem of racial separatism, 82–83
- protests at UM and, 90–91, 98–99, 140–43
- racial harassment policy and, 200
- student demands and, 91–94
- support for black student housing, 126
- Foster, Luther, 52
- Free South Africa Coordinating Committee (FSACC), 190
- Freshman Year of Studies program, 86–87
- Fresno State College, 15
- Fricke, Benno, 24–25, 60–61, 114
- Frieze, Henry, 13–14
- Frye, Billy, 133–34, 180, 181
- Geiger, Richard, 12
- General Motors, 77–78, 237–38
- GI Bill, 55
- Gibson, Ralph, 72
- Gill, Lee, 121, 123
- Go Blue Guarantee, 250–51
- Goodman, George, 79, 85, 89, 113–14, 135, 145–52, 156–57
- challenges to policies of, 164–69
- falling enrollment of black students and, 146–47, 161–62, 164, 167–68
- Gordon, Pam, 165–66
- Gorman, Daryl, 101
- Graff, Otto, 79
- Gratz, Jennifer, 215, 220
- Gratz v. Bollinger, 1, 6, 7, 215–16, 244, 250
- corporate interests and, 237–39
- legacy of co-optation in, 227–31
- legal strategy in, 220–27
- political and legal climate surrounding, 216–19
- Supreme Court ruling on, 239–42
- Great Lakes Indian Youth Alliance, 137
- Greene, Walter, 62–66, 72, 73, 75, 85, 94
- Greve, Michael, 220
- Grimes, Willie, 90
- Grutter v. Bollinger, 1, 6, 244
- Supreme Court ruling on, 239–42
- Guinier, Lani, 255–56
- Gurin, Patricia, 227–30, 240
- Haber, William, 74–75, 78–79, 95–97
- Hamacher, Patrick, 220
- Harding, Vincent, 71
- Hargo, Gabriel Franklin, 11
- Harvard University, 12, 14, 54, 132, 153, 188, 252, 257
- Harvey, Dough, 90–91
- Hatcher, Harlan, 21, 23, 35, 49–50, 51–52, 70, 77
- Hayakawa, S. I., 89
- Hayden, Tom, 68
- Hays, William, 87
- Heyns, Roger, 48–49, 50, 55, 64
- Higher Education Act of 1965, 62
- Hispanic/Chicano students, 102–3, 136–38, 148, 178, 230, 237
- ACT test and, 179
- diversity rationale and, 171–72
- Holmes, Robert, 181
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 76
- Hopwood, Cheryl, 218
- Hopwood v. Texas, 218–19, 220
- housing
- dedicated black student, 115, 121–28
- discrimination in, 34–36
- integrated, 81–83
- racial climate in, 114–15
- United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR) and, 200–201
- Houweling, Doug, 188
- Huebner, Gertrude, 98
- Human Relations Committee (HRC), 78–81, 85, 86
- inclusion bureaucracy, 2–3, 78–81, 89, 111, 114–20, 127, 131, 177, 199, 250
- institutional knowledge about black students, 3, 38, 60, 66, 86, 130, 148–51, 168, 178, 182, 242
- international students, 37, 84
- admissions policies for, 29–30
- Jackson, Bailey, 203–4
- Jackson, Jesse, 216
- Jaye, David, 219–20
- Johns Hopkins University, 14
- Johnson, Henry, 127–28, 183, 185
- Johnson, Lyndon, 43, 63, 132
- Johnson, Paul, 137–38
- Kennedy, John F., 42–45, 49–50, 52, 62, 63
- Kerner Report, 82
- Kidd, Charles, 119–20, 125
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 74–76, 84
- Kohler-Hausmann, Julilly, 155
- Krauthammer, Charles, 216, 217
- Lacy, Walter, 245
- Lawrie, Elisabeth, 21
- legacies, admissions policies for, 21, 25, 32–33, 207–8, 226
- Lewis, Dave, 104
- Little, Clarence, 16–17, 18, 25–26
- Lockard, Jon Onye, 126
- Maddox, Gilbert, 116–19, 125
- manpower development, 45
- Marshall, Gloria, 101, 110, 176
- Marshall, Thurgood, 217
- McCree, Wade H., Jr., 209
- Merritt College, 69
- Michigan Civil Rights Commission, 123
- Michigan Daily, 135, 200
- Michigan Democratic Black Caucus, 123
- Michigan Mandate, 188–89, 213–14, 224–25, 231
- administrative views of model multiracial community and shortcomings of, 210–13
- diversity rationale and, 203–4
- evolution of, 189–98
- goals of, 204–5
- implementation of, 205–10
- United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR) and, 191–201
- Miller, Doris, 61
- Milliken v. Bradley, 154
- Monts, Lester, 244
- Moody, Charles, 199, 203, 224–25
- Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862, 13
- Morrison, Betty, 134–35
- Mosher-Jordan Hall, 127
- Moskowitz, Jack, 64
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 43
- National Guard, 90
- National Institute of Independent Colleges and Universities, 216
- nationalism, 84
- Native American students, 136–38, 148, 178
- ACT test and, 179
- diversity rationale and, 171–72
- Nelson, Gayle, 121
- New Left, 68, 76
- Newton, Huey, 69
- New York Times, 156, 159
- Niagara Movement, 120
- Nixon, Richard, 105
- Norman, A. Geoffrey, 64
- North Carolina A&T University, 89–90
- O’Connor, Sandra Day, 239–40
- Odegaard, Charles, 21–22
- Office of Educational Testing (OET), 16–17
- Opportunity Awards Program (OAP). See affirmative action/Opportunity Awards Program (OAP)
- Opportunity Program (OP). See affirmative action/Opportunity Awards Program (OAP)
- out-of-state students, 22–23, 146
- Padilla, Raymond, 136–37
- Parker, Dorothy, 142
- Payton, John, 220–21, 230–34
- Pierpont, Wilbur, 46
- Plans for Progress (PfP) program, 44
- political economy of the 1970s, 153–56
- Pollack, Martha, 249
- Powell, Lewis, 54, 158, 170, 231–32
- Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), 168, 178
- President’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity (PCEEO), 44, 46–47, 54, 237
- President’s Committee on Government Contracts (PCGC), 41
- Program on Intergroup Relations, Conflict, and Community (IGRCC), 212–13
- Project Awareness, 127
- quotas, admissions, 19
- racial climate at UM, 2, 4, 7, 10, 34, 37–39, 61, 85–86, 104, 114–20, 125, 127, 130–31, 134, 136, 143, 150–51, 166, 176, 181–86, 189–92, 194, 209–11, 226, 229–30, 239, 243, 246, 248–49
- racial innocence, 2, 28, 51–52, 64, 86, 94–96, 105, 129, 130, 134, 181–82, 221, 225, 239–40, 245–46, 249–50, 258
- racial justice
- BAM vision of, 106–7, 144–45, 165
- difficulty of research on, 5–6
- disruptive change for, 257–58
- diversity and, 31–33, 169–74
- lack of transparency on, 6
- Michigan Mandate and, 201–14
- social justice and, 174–75
- racial liberalism, 10, 28, 35–37, 82
- administrative control over, 84–85
- colorblindness and, 52–53
- Randolph, A. Philip, 41
- Ransby, Barbara, 190–91
- Raphael, Steve, 167–68
- Reagan, Ronald, 217, 219, 237
- Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 54, 157–58, 217, 219, 220
- Rehnquist, William, 217, 232, 239
- Rhodes, Frank, 133
- Roosevelt, Franklin, 41
- Ross, Arthur, 99
- Ross, Richard, 71–72, 74–75, 76
- Rosser, Richard, 216
- Ruthven, Alexander, 35
- Sadler, Bernice, 132
- Sain, Leonard, 51–55
- Salvo, Mario, 68
- San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez, 154–55
- San Francisco State University (SFSU), 89
- SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), 17, 18, 23–26, 60–61, 114, 152–53, 158–159, 178, 207–8, 252–54
- Schlissel, Mark, 248–49
- Science, 64
- Scott, Don, 132
- Scott, Norman, 72
- SCUGA Factor, 207–8, 226
- Seale, Bobby, 69
- Seashore, Edith, 203–4
- sensitivity training, 115, 120–21
- Sevransky, Ted, 191–92
- Shape of the River, The, 234–35
- Shapiro, Harold, 169–74, 177–78, 181, 194, 205
- Shaw, Richard, 206–9, 225–26
- Sjogren, Cliff, 145–52, 156–57, 161, 164, 206, 209
- challenges to policies of, 164–69
- on pool of “qualified” black students, 168
- SCUGA Factor and, 207
- on Sudarkasa’s goals, 179–80
- Slosson, Edwin, 14
- Smith, Allan, 72–74, 87–88
- Smith, Ira, 17–18
- Sorenson, Allan, 46
- Spencer, Ted, 206–9
- Spurr, Stephen, 95, 117
- Stanford University, 216
- Steele, Claude, 212
- Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 68, 89, 90, 91
- Study of American Intelligence, A, 17
- Sudarskasa, Niara, 176–86, 190. See also Marshall, Gloria
- on racial climate at UM, 182–86
- Sugrue, Thomas, 227
- Sullivan, Leon, 42
- Sullivan, Teresa, 244
- Summer Bridge Program, 147
- Supreme Court decisions, 154–55
- City of Richmond v. Croson, 217–18, 220, 233
- Gratz v. Bollinger (See Gratz v. Bollinger)
- Grutter v. Bollinger, 1, 6, 239–42, 244
- Hopwood v. Texas, 218–19, 220
- Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 54, 157–58, 217, 219, 220
- Tappan, Henry, 12–13
- Taylor, Hobart, Jr., 42–48, 54–55, 58, 66, 237
- Walter Greene’s compliance review and, 61–64
- Texas Southern University, 69
- Third World Coalition Council (TWCC), 140–43
- Thomas, Clarence, 217, 241–242
- Thompson, Ron, 81, 82–83
- Thurber, Donald M. D., 46
- Title VI, 63, 121
- Title VII, 132
- To Secure These Rights, 27
- Trotter, William Monroe, 120
- Trotter House, 120–21, 245
- Troutman, Robert, 44
- Truman, Harry, 27, 41
- Tuskegee Institute, 52
- UM. See University of Michigan
- United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR), 191–201, 231
- University Education, 12
- University of California, 14, 54, 157–58, 217
- University of Chicago, 17
- University of Illinois, 17
- University of Michigan
- actions of, after banning of affirmative action, 244–48
- activism at (See black activism/black campus movement (BCM))
- admissions policies at (See admissions policies)
- affirmative action program at (See affirmative action/Opportunity Awards Program (OAP))
- black employees at, 46–47, 72–74, 127
- black history course at, 71–72, 79–80
- Black Student Union (BSU) at, 69, 80
- Center for Research and Conflict Resolution (CRCR), 110–11
- Committee to End Discrimination (CED), 26–27
- compliance review at, 62–66
- Diversity Blueprints Task Force and, 244
- efforts to control enrollment growth at, 20–22
- as elite American university, 14–16, 22
- Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Plan, 88
- founding of, 10
- funding and tuition at, 153–54
- hierarchy of values at, 10–12
- housing at (See housing)
- medical school, 27–28
- out-of-state students at, 22–23
- political economy of the 1970s and, 153–56
- racial climate at, 182–86, 190–92, 229–30, 239
- racial liberalism at, 10, 28
- recognition for racial inclusion programs at, 1–2
- sensitivity training at, 115, 120–21
- study of undergraduate students at, 7
- Sudarkasa and racial climate at, 182–86
- toxic racial climate created at, 37–39
- transparency at, 6–7
- University of Pennsylvania, affirmative action program at, 54
- University of Texas, 218–19
- University of Wisconsin, 70
- Varner, Nellie, 78, 80, 133, 135
- veterans
- admissions policies for, 32
- GI Bill and, 55
- Vietnam War, 68
- Vincent, George, 15
- Vroman, Clyde, 23–24, 145
- Washburn Municipal University, 15
- Washington, Booker T., 120
- Washington Post, 216
- Wayne State University, 47
- Wheeler, Albert, 72–73
- Whitaker, Wayne, 27
- Whyman, Deborah, 220
- Wilcox, W. B., 71–72, 76, 79–80
- Will, George, 216
- Williams, Georgia, 115, 120–27
- Williams, G. Mennen, 49
- Wilson, Pat, 151
- Wilson, Pete, 217
- Wolverine Pathways, 250–51
- women at University of Michigan, 10–11
- admissions policies for men vs., 30–31
- as faculty, 131–32
- Woodward, Augustus, 10
- workplace discrimination, 40–43
- BAM and, 106–107
- black employees at UM and, 46–47, 127
- Executive Order 10925 and, 43–45, 49
- faculty hiring policies and, 87–89
- Wu, Ellen, 139
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