Like Volumes I and II, Volume III of Hakkenden was originally published by Sanseidō, proprietor Yamazaki Heihachi. The first edition sported this cover, a crowd of frolicking puppies complemented by eight large snowflake-like circles.
Bunkeidō, proprietor Chōjiya Heibei, took over publication with Volume VIII in 1832. Shortly thereafter the blocks for Volumes I through VII came into his possession, allowing him to reprint from them. The Bunkeidō front cover for Volume III closely imitated that for the Sanseidō edition, but the back cover was a new design.
Large characters stretching from top right to bottom left: The Lives of the Eight Dogs of the Satomi, Volume III
Smaller characters, top left: Written by Kyokutei Bakin. Pictures by Yanagawa Shigenobu
Smaller characters, bottom right: Complete in five fascicles. Blocks owned by Sanseidō, Booksellers.