- Water of the Divine Lady—A Family Tradition: price, 100 coppers per packet. An effective remedy for all ailments common to ladies, when taken just before and after birthing and for ailments of the blood its efficacy is divine. Also good for bruises. When applied to wounds it will prevent sudden changes for the worse. Details on the colored paper.
- Miraculous Bolus, Exactingly Prepared: Because I weed out counterfeit medicines—because I observe the methods handed down as a family tradition—because in my preparation I follow the recipe in perfect circumspection, using the ingredients in their prescribed measure—because of all this, my bolus’s efficacy is divine. Comes with a list detailing its potency—I shall not do so here. Large packet, 200 grains, price 2 shu silver; medium packet, 36 grains, price 1 monme 5 bu; small packet, 11 grains, price 5 bu.
- A Cure for Ladies’ Monthybugs: Immediate efficacy for ladies who suffer monthly pain from monthybugs. Also good in cases where discharge does not resume after birthing. 64 coppers per packet; 32 coppers per half-packet.
- Remedies prepared and distributed at: Takizawa Family Preparations, across from the Yomo miso shop, on the south side of Naka-Sakashita, in Moto Iida-machi, Edo.
- A branch of the same family: Takizawa Sōhaku,1 on Shōheibashi Street, near Kanda Shrine, below Ishizaka, in Dōbō-chō, East Shindō.
- Also handled by: Izumiya Ichibei,2 in front of Shiba Shinmei, Edo; Kawachiya Taisuke, Karamono-chō, Shinsaibashi-suji, Osaka.
- Essays by Opus Hall: Loose Talk from a Dissembler,3 of which III Books have been published (Earth, Flora, and Man, Part the Ist). IX fascicles in all.
- o An abbreviated list of new works by Opus Hall:
- Compiled by the Master of Opus Hall in Edo, corrected by Suzuki Bokushi of Shiozawa in Echigo: A Catalogue of Echigo Snows,4 to be published soon in VI fascicles, large format. A highly unusual book in which the prodigious sights that attend the snowy months of winter and spring in Echigo are illustrated and explained, including avalanches, blizzards, sleds, snowshoes, sukari, and sunhei, along with complete illustrations of volcanoes, famous sites, strange fish, monstrous beasts, and annual observances.
- A Record of Asahina’s Travels through the Isles, Ist, IInd, and IIIrd Volumes published.5 Each Volume complete in V fascicles. Volume IV in V fascicles to be published in the coming winter of the Year of the Hare, in the twelfth month. Illustrated by Utagawa Toyohiro.
- The Lives of the Eight Dogs of the Satomi, Volume IV, complete in V fascicles, shall be made available for purchase in the coming winter of the Year of the Hare, in the twelfth month.
- Dogs and Barbarians Reviewed.6 A horizontal book in three fascicles. A very interesting book: a grand review of the Ist and IInd Volumes of The Lives of the Eight Dogs and the Ist Volume of Travels through the Isles.
- Old Silks from Mino: An Outlandish Tale Woven from Hachijō Twill.7 Complete in V fascicles. A book for reading, with illustrations, an unprecedented tale of cause and effect.
- Bunsei 28 (earth-hare)
- Publishers
- Kawachiya Taisuke (Karamono-chō, Shinsaibashi-suji, Osaka)
- Wakabayashi Seibei (Bakurō-chō 3, Edo)
- Hirabayashi Shōgorō (Matsuzaka-chō 2, Honjo, Edo)
- Yamazaki Heihachi (Hiranaga-chō, Kanda, just outside the Sujigaibashi gate)
- On sale beginning on an auspicious day in the first month
1. Bakin’s son, born at the end of Kansei 9 (1797).
2. Like Kawachiya Taisuke, Izumiya Ichibei was a publisher with whom Bakin frequently worked.
3.Gendō hōgen, published at the end of 1818.
4.Hokuetsu seppu, by Suzuki Bokushi (1770–1842). It would not in fact be published until 1837.
5.Asahina shimameguri no ki. The first volume appeared in 1815, the second in 1817, and the third in 1819. The fourth volume in fact appeared in 1821.
6.Ken’i hyōbanki, a book-length dialogue between Bakin and two of his readers, Tonomura Jōsai and Rekitei Kingyo. Published in 1818.
7.Mino no furukinu Hachijō kidan. Published in 1814.
8. 1819.