- Water of the Divine Lady—A Family Tradition: price, 100 coppers per packet. Good for all ailments common to ladies. A marvel when taken just before and after birthing and for ailments of the blood. Also good for bruises. When applied to wounds it will prevent sudden changes for the worse. Not like other infusions on the market: its efficacy is divine. Try it and see for yourself. Details on the colored paper.
- Miraculous Bolus, Exactingly Prepared: Because I choose only the finest leaves—because I prepare them in the amounts prescribed by my family traditions—my Miraculous Bolus reaches a level of effectiveness unmatched by others on the market. Large packet, 200 grains, price 2 shu; medium packet, 36 grains, price 1 monme 5 bu; small packet, 11 grains, price 5 bu.
- A Cure for Women’s Monthybugs: Well-nigh divine efficacy for ladies who suffer monthly pain from monthybugs. Also good in cases where discharge does not resume after birthing. 64 coppers per packet; 32 coppers per half-packet.
- Black Bear-Gall Pills: I choose only the finest bear’s stomach, prepare it in proportions set down in secrets passed down through my family, and make it into pills of bear-gall preparation, into which very little extraneous has been admixed. This is why it is so effective; 1 packet, price 5 bu.
- Remedies prepared and distributed by: The Takizawa Family, across from the Yomo miso shop, on the south side of Naka-Sakashita, in Moto Iida-machi, Edo; and in Shimoyama Honchō near Kanda Shrine, in Dōbō-chō, East Shindō.
- Also handled by: Izumiya Ichibei, in front of Shiba Shinmei, Edo; Kawachiya Taisuke, South Side, Karamono-chō, Shinsaibashi-suji, Osaka.
- The Lives of the Eight Dogs of the Satomi, Volume IV, Book V. As this Book was missing from Volume IV, two fascicles comprising Book V Parts I and II will be published this New Year of the Serpent, before the pine-boughs are taken down, without fail.1
- A Record of Asahina’s Travels through the Isles, Volume IV. On sale this season. Volume V forthcoming next year.2
- The Lives of the Eight Dogs of the Satomi, Inaugural Volume through Volume III, in Fifteen Fascicles: published in recent years. Volume V forthcoming next year.
- Old Silks from Mino: An Outlandish Tale Woven from Hachijō Twill.3 Complete in five fascicles. A book for reading, with illustrations, an unprecedented tale of cause and effect.
- Dogs and Barbarians Reviewed.4 A horizontal book in three fascicles. A review of The Lives of the Eight Dogs and Travels through the Isles.
- Compiled by the Master of Opus Hall in Edo, corrected by Suzuki Bokushi of Shiozawa in Echigo: A Catalogue of Echigo Snows. To be published soon.5
- A Secret Cache of Famous Remedies, Compiled by Sōhaku, Takizawa Okitsugu, of Kanda. Bringing together many marvelous cures, ancient and modern. To be published soon.
- Bunsei 36 (metal-dragon)
- Publishers
- Kawachiya Taisuke (Karamono-chō, Shinsaibashi-suji, Osaka)
- Wakabayashi Seibei (Bakurō-chō 3, Edo)
- Hirabayashi Shōgorō (Matsuzaka-chō 2, Honjo, Edo)
- Yamazaki Heihachi (Hiranaga-chō, Kanda, just outside the Sujigaibashi gate)
- On sale beginning on an auspicious day in the eleventh month, winter
1. Volume V did not actually appear until 1823. “Pine-boughs” were traditional New Year’s decorations.
2.Asahina shimameguri no ki. The fifth volume in fact appeared in 1822.
3.Mino no furukinu Hachijō kidan. Published in 1814.
4.Ken’i hyōbanki, a book-length dialogue between Bakin and two of his readers, Tonomura Jōsai and Rekitei Kingyo, published in 1818.
5.Hokuetsu seppu, by Suzuki Bokushi (1770–1842). It would not in fact be published until 1837.
6. 1820.