AG-PK Main Records of the Prosecutor regarding the Kielce pogrom (Akta główne prokuratora w sprawie “Pogromu kieleckiego,” S58/01/Zk, t. 1–12; at the disposal of the prosecutor’s division of IPN) ; also filed in AIPN Ki_53_4749, t. 1-12.
AIPN Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance (Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej)
AŻIH Archive of the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw (Archiwum Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego)
BA Bad Arolsen Archives International Center on Nazi Persecution
BU Office for Disclosure and Archiving of Documents (Biuro Udostępniania i Archiwizacji Dokumentów, Centralny Oddział IPN)
CAW Office for Military History (Wojskowe Biuro Historyczne, WBH); formerly the Central Military Archive (Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe, CAW)
Ki or Kie Kielce branch of the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) (Kielecki Oddział IPN)
USC Shoah Testimonies from the Visual History Archive of the USC Shoah Foundation
USHMM United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
YVA Yad Vashem Archives
Archival Terms
bez paginacji no pagination
cz. part
f. folio (often unnumbered; folios, ff.)
k. page (pages, kk.)
kserokopia xerox copy
mps. typed manuscript
oryg. rosyjski Russian original
oryginał original version
przedruk w: reprinted in:
przekł. pol. Polish translation
rkps. hand-written document; also rks. or rps.
sygn. Record Group
t. volume
Except where indicated, dates have been left in the European day-month-year format.
1. Reports and Leaflets
1.1. Report of prosecutor Czesław Szpądrowski to Chief Public Prosecutor of the Polish Army Henryk Holder (CAW IV.502.1.13 [formerly sygn. 524/1192 “A”]; AIPN Ki_53_4753, k. 11−20).
1.2. Bishop Czesław Kaczmarek’s report delivered to the US ambassador in Warsaw, Arthur Bliss-Lane, 1946 (AG-PK, t. 3, k. 176−93).
1.3. Report found during the search in the Kielce Cathedral carried out by the Security Service on January 12, 1952 (probably prepared by Rev. Prof. Mieczysław Żywczyński of the Catholic University of Lublin) (AIPN BU_944_548, k. 9−11, mps.).
1.4. Second report found during the search of the Kielce Cathedral on 12/01/1952 (report of the prosecutor Jan Wrzeszcz) (AIPN BU_944_548, k. 22−28, mps.).
1.5. Testimony of an anonymous female eyewitness, found during the search in the Kielce Cathedral on 12/01/1952 (AIPN BU_944_548, k. 18−20, mps.).
1.6. MO report regarding anti-Jewish riots in the city of Kielce, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 2−4, mps.).
1.7. Report of Jan Mucha, head of Department III of WUBP in Kielce, to the MPB, July 5, 1946 (AIPN BU_1572_4051, k. 3, mps.).
1.8. Report by Jan Jurkowski and Henryk Gutowski, employees of Department III, Section II MBP, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_1572_4051, k. 5−7; AG-PK, t. 6, k. 205−8; AIPN BU_0330_233_8, k. 7−8, k. 42).
1.9. Report of Lieutenant Albert Grynbaum, deputy head of PUBP Kielce (AIPN BU_1572_4051, k. 17, 19; AIPN BU_1572_4051, k. 11−12, mps.; AIPN BU_0397_59, t. 1, k. 59−60, mps.).
1.10. Report by Mieczysław (Morris) Kwaśniewski, WUBP Kielce (AIPN BU_1572_4051, k. 13, mps.).
1.11. Report of Warrant Officer Zygmunt Majewski, senior clerk of the Department for Functionaries’ Affairs of the WUBP in Kielce (AIPN BU_1572_4051, k. 22−23, mps.).
1.12. Report by Leopold Arendarski, WUBP functionary in Kielce (AIPN BU_1572_4051, k. 14−15, mps.).
1.13. Report by Major Kazimierz Konieczny to the deputy chief of the 2DP WP, Stanisław Kupsza, 5/7/1946 (CAW IV.521.2.113, k. 1−2).
1.14. Report by Major Józef Różański, head of the investigative department of the MBP, for Minister of Public Security Radkiewicz, 18/7/1946 (AIPN BU_1572_4051).
1.15. Report by Major Siedlecki, MBP department head, for the Minister of Public Security Stanisław Radkiewicz (AIPN BU_01453, t. 3, k. 122−129).
1.16. Minutes of the Democratic Alliance meeting in Kielce dated July 1946 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 91, 92, 95, 96).
1.17. “Wypadki kieleckie,” anonymous article from the underground press, July 1946 (AG-PK, t. 8, k. 61−68; t. 11, k. 110−14; also AIPN Ki_0_15_342, s. 9−12, mps. and ANKr, WiN, sygn. 1314).
1.18. “Zajścia w Kielcach. Tragedia kielecka,” article from the underground publication Polska Walcząca (AIPN BU_1572_1381, k. 4−7, 10−11, 12−13, mps. and ANKr, WiN, sygn. 1314).
1.19. “Płatne pachołki rosyjskie PPR,” from the underground publication Honor i Ojczyzna, October 1946 (AIPN BU_2207_1, k. 67 and ANKr, WiN, sygn. 1314)).
1.20. “Na widnokręgu,” text from the WiN publication Niepodległość 1946, no. 10 (ANKr, WiN, sygn. 1314).
1.21. “Bandyta Radkiewicz—przygotował prowokację kielecką,” WiN leaflet (ANKr, WiN, sygn. 1314).
1.22. Anonymous letter from “a Pole” to Deputy Adolf Berman and Rabbi Dawid Kahane (AIPN Ki_53_4743, k. 122−123, mps).
1.23. “To trzeba zrozumieć,” undated anonymous leaflet (AAN, PPR, sygn. 295/VII-149, k. 349−50, mps.).
1.24. Report of Colonel Nikolai Shpilevoi, Soviet adviser at the WUBP in Kielce, to Colonel Semyon Davydov, chief advisor of the NKGB to the Minister of Public Security, 1946 (AG-PK, t. 10, k. 13, przekł. pol., k. 14−19 oryg. ros.; Wokół I, 156−157).
1.25. Report of the head of Department V of the WUBP, Stanisław Mareczko, and the head of section IV of this department, Władysław Krycia, concerning the participation of youth from the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP) in the pogrom, 29/7/1946 (AIPN BU_00231_137_12, mps.).
1.26. Adolf Berman, “Pogrom in Kielce, Thursday, July 4, 1946, data for report,” undated document (GFHA, Catalog No. 11248).
1.27. Extraordinary report of the WBW commander of the Kielce Province, Colonel Włodzimierz Dembowski, to the Operational Department of the KBW (AIPN Ki_ 53_4753, k. 6, mps.; AG-PK, t. 12, k. 150, mps.).
2. Victims
2.1. Confirmed Victims
2.1.1. AT 7 PLANTY STREET Kalman Singer, farmer, “the Jew in the green hat,” the first person pointed out to the police by Henio Błaszczyk, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 39−40, rks.). Jechiel Alpert, teacher, chairman of the Ichud kibbutz at 7 Planty Street, 1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 149−150, mps; 151−152, rks.). Jechiel Alpert, August 1967 (AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 372n.; AIPN BU_2323_940, account deposited at YVA 032985 (2725−187C), 20/8/1967; interview conducted by Ida Fink). Hanka Alpert, housewife, wife of Jechiel Alpert, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 97−98, mps; 99−101, rps.). Hanka Alpert, wife of Jechiel Alpert, 1995 (AIPN Ki_53_4749, k. 26 [transcription of raw footage deposited 23/4/1996 by Andrzej Miłosz]. Ewa Szuchman, seamstress, Seweryn Kahane’s secretary, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, t. 1, k. 105−8, rps; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 167−170, rps). Ewa Kestenbaum (née Szuchman), second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 9, k. 271−74, mps.). Chaim Latasz, painter, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 14−15, rps.). Chaim Latasz, 9/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_53_5145 cz. 1, bez paginacji; AIPN Ki_53_4740, bez paginacji; AIPN Ki_41_2043, k. 14−15, rps.). Mojżesz Cukier, tailor, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 102−3, rps. [kserokopia]; AIPN_BU_01453_4, t. 1, k. 164−166, rps. [oryginał]). Maria Welfman, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 135 mps, 136−138, rps.). Izrael Terkieltaub, tailor, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 2, k. 155−56, rkps.). Izrael Terkieltaub, 1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 110−111, rps.). Mordka Grynewize, tailor, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 2, k. 149−50, rps.). Natan Grynewize, worker, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 122−123, mps.). Mojżesz Jura, accountant, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 126−127, mps; AG-PK, t. 8, k. 232−234 (1533−1534), kopia, mps.). Natan Lejzor/Leiser, worker, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 2, k. 153−154, rkps.). Natan Lejzor [Leiser], 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 108−109, rps.). Berek Tajfel, clerk, 9/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_2043, k. 10−11, rps.). Sara Zylbersztajn, seamstress, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_53_4745 cz. 1, k. 17−18, rkps.). Samuel Nester, machinist, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t.1, k. 61−62, rps.; BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 111−112, rps.). Samuel Nester, second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 9, k. 190−201, mps.). Henrietta (Niusia) Borensztajn, student, 1946 (AG-PK, t. 8, k. 258−259, mps., k. 260−64, rps.). Henrietta Nester (née Borensztajn), second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 9, k. 246−59, mps.). Hersz Gutman, clerk, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_015_342, k. 83−85, mps.). Rachmil Tajtelbaum, tailor, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 73−74, mps.). Gerszon Lewkowicz, tailor, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_16_4, k. 25−30, rps.). Luba Bryks, seamstress, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 77−78, rps.). Julian Goldwaser, accountant, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 79−80, mps.). Pola Gutwurcel, clerk, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 169−170, rps.). Dora Dajboch, no profession, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 92−93, mps.). Juliusz Bertinger, technician, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 116−17, mps, 118−20, rps.). Aron Binensztok, shoemaker, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 140−141, mps, 142−43, rps.). Abram Zylberberg, baker, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 153−154, mps, 155−56, rps.). Nela Fiszel, seamstress, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 157−158, mps, 159−60, rps.). Maria Machtynger, employee of the Jewish Committee, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 171−72, mps.). Maria Guterman (née Machtynger), second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 9, k. 22−29, mps.). Izrael Rozenkranc, machine technician, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 49, rps.). Miriam Rozenkranc, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 9, k. 292−309). Henryk Kamrat, photographer, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_ 15_342, k. 47−48, rps.). Rafael Blumenfeld, second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 9, k. 37−61). Rafael Blumenfeld, memoir, 1968 (Rafael Blumenfeld, Kibuts Ichud Hanaor Hatsioni Akiba be-Kielce lifnei weacharei hapogrom, Massuah 1984, nr 12 [fragments]). Jakub Aleksandrowicz, prewar factory owner, second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 9, k. 96−108). Borys Weintraub [Wajntraub], second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 9, k. 80−87, mps.). Baruch Dorfman, second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 9, k. 212−22, mps.). Ignacy Herman, second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 10, k. 65, mps.). Nachman Bahalier, second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AIPN Ki_53_4749, k. 122−26, mps. [transcription of raw footage deposited 23/4/1996 by Andrzej Miłosz]). Dina Sharoni, housewife, second Kielce investigation, 1996 (AIPN Ki_53_4749, k. 58−66, mps. [transcription of raw footage deposited 23/4/1996 by Andrzej Miłosz]).
2.1.2. CONFIRMED VICTIMS ELSEWHERE IN KIELCE At 15 Leonarda Street Abram Moszkowicz, butcher, survivor of the attack at Leonarda Street. Marian Fisz, tailor, husband of the murdered Rywka (Regina) Fisz and father of Aron, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_2, k. 140−141, rps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 41−42, rps.). Stefan Mazur, policeman, the Operational Company at the KW MO in Kielce, 1 Zagórska Street, perpetrator of the murder at 15 Leonarda Street, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 148−150, mps.; BU_01453_4, t. 2, k. 55−57, mps.). Antoni Pruszkowski, participant in the robbery at 15 Leonarda Street (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 157−60, rps.; AIPN BU_01453_4, t. 2, k. 64−68, rps.). Józef Śliwa, shoemaker, participant in the robbery at 15 Leonarda Street, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 162−64, mps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 69−71, mps.). Kazimierz Nowakowski, baker, participant in the robbery at 15 Leonarda Street, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 151−55, rps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 58−62, rps.). Testimony of Maria Nowak, custodian of the building at 15 Leonarda Street 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 147−148, mps; BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 53−54, mps.). The Kersz Murder at First of May Street, no. 71 (formerly Piotrkowska St.) Helena Kozieł, housekeeper of the Kerszes, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 113−15, rps.). Tadeusz Szeląg, lieutenant in the MO, NCO School of the MO, at 1 Zagórska Street, 8/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 43−44, mps.). Sonia Mendel, would-be victim of the attack, unknown address in Kielce, no data (AG-PK, t. 6, k. 54; YVA 0.3/5849, translated from Hebrew).
2.2. Alleged Victims
2.2.1. Report submitted by Walenty Błaszczyk, Henio’s father, to Constable Dionizy Adamczyk, 1/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 8, mps.).
2.2.2A. Walenty Błaszczyk, father of Henio Błaszczyk, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2827, k. 8−9, rps.).
2.2.2B. Walenty Błaszczyk, father of Henio Błaszczyk, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 13−17, rps.).
2.2.2C. Walenty Błaszczyk, 11/7/1943 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2827, k. 15−22, rps.).
2.2.D. Walenty Błaszczyk, 12/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2827, k. 23−24, rps.).
2.2.3A. Henio Błaszczyk, victim of the alleged kidnapping, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_16_4, k. 20−24, rps.). The following handwritten version of Henio Blaszczyk’s interrogation, dated July 4, 1946, differs slightly from version B presented below, which is a variant of the interview conducted on the same day and by the same WUBP officer in Kielce, Warrant Officer Kazimierz Olech.
2.2.3B. Henio Błaszczyk, 8/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2870, k. 8−9, rps.).
2.2.3C. Henryk Błaszczyk, 1993 (Wokół I, s. 221−23).
2.2.4. Tadeusz Błaszczyk, apprentice shoemaker, brother of the alleged kidnap victim, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2882, k. 7−10, mps.).
2.2.5A. Antoni Pasowski, electrician, landlord of the Błaszczyk family at Podwalna 6, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2998, k. 8−10, rps.).
2.2.5B. Antoni Pasowski, 23/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2998, k. 26−28, rps.).
2.2.5C. Antoni Pasowski, 17/10/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2998, k.16−24, rps.).
2.2.6. Mirosław Pasowski, student, son of the Błaszczyks’ landlord, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2727, k. 7−9, rps.).
2.2.7. Julia Pasowska, housewife, wife of the Błaszczyks’ landlord, 20/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_3007, k. 7−13, rps.).
2.2.8A. Jan Dygnarowicz, shoemaker, neighbor, and godparent of the Błaszczyk children, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 4, k. 6−10, rps.).
2.2.8B. Jan Dygnarowicz, 12/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 4, k. 11–16, rps.).
2.2.8C. Jan Dygnarowicz 25/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 4, k. 17–20, rps.).
2.2.9A. Władysław Dygnarowicz, worker at the Ludwików foundry, neighbor of the Błaszczyks, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2564, k. 5−6, rps.).
2.2.9B. Władysław Dygnarowicz, 12/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2564, k. 7−10, rps.).
2.2.10A. Wacław Dygnarowicz, barber, neighbor of the Błaszczyks, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2563, k. 9−10, rps.).
2.2.10B. Wacław Dygnarowicz, 19/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2563, k. 11−14, rps.).
2.2.11. Janek Binkowski, nine years old, missing from June to July 1946, 18/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2876, rps.).
2.2.12. Maria Binkowska, housewife, Janek’s mother, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2662, k. 6−7, rps.).
3. The Police, the ORMO, and Soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division and the KBW
3.1A. Stefan Sędek, head of the Investigative Section of the Municipal Police Station (MO) at 45 Sienkiewicza Street, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 3, k. 53−56, rps.).
3.1B. Stefan Sędek, trial testimony, 18/11/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 2, k. 62, mps.). 3.2A. Edmund Zagórski, chief of the police (MO) station at 45 Sienkiewicza Street in Kielce, 27/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 3, k. 25−29, rps.).
3.2B. Edmund Zagórski, 2/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 48−50, rkp.).
3.2C. Edmund Zagórski, trial testimony, 18/11/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 2, k. 60−61, mps.).
3.3A. Kazimierz Gwiazdowicz, deputy provincial commander of the MO in Kielce, 6/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 73−83, rps.).
3.3B. Stefan Nabiałczyk, WUBP officer in Kielce, regarding Kazimierz Gwiazdowicz, 25/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 35−36, rps.).
3.4A. Wiktor Kuźnicki, provincial commander of the MO in Kielce, 9/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 93−99, rps.).
3.4B. Stefan Latosiński, head of the Personnel Department of the KW MO in Kielce, 12/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 102−104, rps.).
3.4C. Stanisław Olczyk “Garbaty,” captain, deputy provincial commander of the MO in Kielce, 13/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 106−10, rps.).
3.4D. Michał Rossner, lieutenant colonel, head of the Personnel Department of KG MO regarding Kuźnicki, undated (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 157, mps.).
3.5A. Kazimierz Hińcza, ORMO commander assigned to the MO station in Kielce, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 106−8, mps. [oryg.]; Ki_29_117, k. 10−11, mps. [kopia]).
3.5B. Kazimierz Hińcza, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2901, k. 7−18, rkp.).
3.6. Stanisław Krowa, policeman, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 102−3, mps. [oryg.]; Ki_29_117, k. 33−34, mps. [kopia]).
3.7. Jan Rogoziński, policeman, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 35−36, mps. [kopia]; AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 104−5, mps. [oryg.]; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 33−34, rps.).
3.8. Marian Godek, policeman, 22/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2542, 8−11, rkp.).
3.9. Marian Martyński, deputy commander of the MO station at 45 Sienkiewicza Street, 26/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 3, k. 19−21, rps.).
3.10. Antoni Kręglicki, policeman in 1946, 1995 (AG-PK, t. 5, k. 145−80, rps, 181−201, mps.).
3.11. Władysław Marian Surowiec, commander of the MO basic training course in Kielce, 8/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 41−42, mps.).
3.12. Stanisław Lipiński, worker, 4/7/1946 (AG-PK, t. 8, k. 82, mps.; Ki_0_15_342, k. 24−25, mps.).
3.13A. Józef Dzik, police officer from the Operational Battalion (KW MO), 1 Zagórska Street, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 51−52, rkp.).
3.13B. Józef Dzik, 8/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 49−50, mps.).
3.13C. Józef Dzik, dispatch, 8/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 62−64, rps.).
3.14. Czesław Ostrowski, head of the Investigative Department of the KW MO, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 55, mps.).
3.15. Wojciech Kopacz, policeman, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 53−54, rps.).
3.16. Józef Walkiewicz, policeman, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 56, mps.).
3.17. Stefan Ziomek, policeman, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 57, mps.).
3.18. Józef Pawlik, policeman, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 60−61, mps.).
3.19. Julian Nawara, policeman, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 58, mps.).
3.20. Report from the MO county headquarters to KW MO Kielce, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 45, mps.).
3.21. Mieczysław Kacperek, policeman, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 59, mps.).
3.22. Report of Captain Władysław Surowiec (Mańkowski), 1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 64, rkp.).
3.23A. Roman Olszański-Przybyłowski, captain, deputy provincial commander of MO Kielce for operations, 2/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 56−58, mps, 60−63, rps.; M1, s. 346).
3.23B. Roman Olszański-Przybyłowski, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 7, k. 3−20, mps.).
3.24. Mieczysław Sierant, WUBP officer in Kielce, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, 28−29, mps.).
3.25. Antoni Frankowski, colonel of the 2DP WP in 1946, 1997 (AG-PK, t. 10, k. 27−34, mps.).
3.26A. Kazimierz Konieczny, major, deputy head of the 2DP WP in 1946, 1994 (AG-PK, t. 2, k. 7−15, mps.).
3.26B. Kazimierz Konieczny, major, 1997 (AG-PK, t. 10, k. 36−41, mps.).
3.27. Bronisław Bednarz, captain, 2 WDP in 1946, 1994 (AG-PK, t. 2, k. 43−48, mps.).
3.28. Józef Lewartowski, KBW officer in 1946, 1994 (AG-PK, t. 1, k. 125−28, mps.).
3.29. Edmund Kuźmiński, lieutenant KBW, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_ 15_342, k. 112, rps.).
3.30. Stefan Giemza, policeman, student at the MO school, 8/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 195−97, mps, k. 198−204, rps.).
3.31. Józef Białkowski, locksmith, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 45−46, rps.).
3.32A. Stefan Przeździecki, instructor at the Provincial Committee of the PPR, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 61−62, rps, k. 68−69, mps.).
3.32B. Stefan Przeździecki, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 63−67, rps.).
3.33A. Józef Dawiec, master builder, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_3242, k. 8−10, rps.).
3.33B. Józef Dawiec, 16/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_3242, k. 11−12, rps.).
3.33C. Józef Dawiec, 27/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_3242, k. 15−16, rps.).
3.34A. Marian Szot, policeman, MO Training Company, 1 Zagórska Street, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 26, rps.).
3.34B. Marian Szot, policeman, MO Training Company, 1 Zagórska Street, 10/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 25).
4. Security Office (UB)
4.1A. Albert Grynbaum, clerk, PUBP Kielce, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 33−34, mps., 35−36, rps.).
4.1B. Albert Grynbaum, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 131−32, mps, 133−34, rps.).
4.1C. Albert Grynbaum, 2/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 45−47, mps.).
4.2. Karol Świątek, an employee of the WUBP in Kielce in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 234−37, mps.).
4.3A. Władysław Sobczyński, head of the WUBP Kielce, 11/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 13−20, rps.).
4.3B. Edmund Kwasek, WUBP officer, regarding Władysław Sobczyński, 1/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 37−41, rps.).
4.3C. Władysław Sobczyński, 7/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 86−92, rps.). 4.3D. Adam Humer, MBP functionary, 9/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 100−101, rps.).
4.4. Jan Mucha, head of Department III, WUBP Kielce, 3/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 64−70, rps.).
4.5. Józef Pająk, master corporal, PUBP Kielce, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 38−39, rps.).
4.6. Czesław Konarski, PUBP officer, Kielce, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 21−22, rps.).
4.7. Antoni Szott, Władysław Woźniak, WUBP officers, report, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342 k. 56−58, rps.).
4.8. Jan Rokicki, PUBP officer in Kielce, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342 k. 59−60, rps.).
4.9. Zbigniew Niewiadomski, PUBP Kielce officer, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 42−44, rps.).
4.10. Tadeusz Gajewski, head of the PUBP Kielce, 2/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 42−43, rps.).
4.11A. Henryk Rybak, clerk at the Municipal Office of Public Security, Kielce, report, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 13, mps.).
4.11B. Henryk Rybak, 2002 (AG-PK, t. 12, k. 68−70, mps.).
4.12. Mieczysław (Morris) Kwaśniewski, WUBP officer in 1946, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 8, k. 44−55, mps.).
4.13. Wacław Ziółek, WUBP officer in 1946, 1990 (AŻIH).
4.14 Tadeusz Lis, PUBP officer, Pińczów, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 18−20, rps.).
4.15. Henryk Krawiec, WUBP officer, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 23−24, rps.).
4.16. Mieczysław Przychodzki, milling machine operator, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 40−41, rps.).
4.17. Tadeusz Seweryński, lieutenant, head of the school for UB Functionaries in Zagórsk, 15/8/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_3, k. 115−18, rps.).
5. Pogromszczycy
5.1. Antonina Biskupska, housewife, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 106−10, rps; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 56−60, rps [kopia]).
5.2. Edward Jurkowski, musician, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 65−66, mps.).
5.3A. Stanisław Rurarz, errand boy, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, t. 1, k. 112−13, rps; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 12−13, rps.).
5.3B. Stanisław Rurarz, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 114−17, mps; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 14−17, mps.).
5.3C. Stanisław Rurarz regarding Tadeusz Szcześniak, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 120, mps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 20, mps.).
5.3D. Tadeusz Szcześniak, barber, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 121−22, mps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 21−22, mps.).
5.4A. Władysław Błachut, policeman, 4/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 97−98, rps; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 159−60, rps.).
5.4B. Marian Szeląg, worker, corporal, guard, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 99−100, rps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 161−62, rps.).
5.4C. Józef Kaczor, policeman from the MO Training Company, regarding Warrant Officer Siemieniuch, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 101, rps; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 163, rps.).
5.5A. Józef Kukliński, foreman, employed at the Ludwików Steel-works, 4/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 128−30 rps; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 29−30, rps.).
5.5B. Józef Kukliński, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 136−38, mps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 37−39, mps.).
5.5C. Józef Białkowski regarding Józef Kukliński, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 131−32, rps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, 32−33, rps.).
5.6A. Józef Pokrzywiński, carpenter, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 80−81, mps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 132−33, mps.).
5.6B. Józef Pokrzywiński, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 82, mps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 134, mps.).
5.6C. Józef Pokrzywiński, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 83−84, mps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, 135−36, mps.).
5.6D. Julian Szpurek regarding Józef Pokrzywiński, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 68−69, rps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 120−21, rps.).
5.6E. Henryk Rybak regarding Józef Pokrzywiński, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 70−71, rps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 122−23, rps.).
5.6F. Zbigniew Niewiadomski, PUBP clerk, regarding Józef Pokrzywiński, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 72−73, rps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 124−25, rps.).
5.6G. Krystyna Pokrzywińska, daughter of Józef Pokrzywiński, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 75−76, mps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 127−28, mps.).
5.6H. Kazimiera Olewińska, bakery worker at First of May Street, apt. no. 143, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 77, mps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 129−30, mps.).
5.7A. Julian Chorążak, locksmith, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 90−91, rps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 152−53, rps.).
5.7B. Stefan Konarski, WUBP officer, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 92−93, rps.; AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, 154−56, rps.).
5.8A. Mieczysław Krasowski, wage worker in the “Społem” cooperative, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 188−90, rps.).
5.8B. Mieczysław Krasowski, 12/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 191−94, rps., oryg.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 7−10, rps, kopia).
5.8C. Mieczysław Krasowski, 27/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 195−96, rps., oryg.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 8−9, rps, kopia).
5.9A. Marian Antonkiewicz, policeman, MO school at Zagórska Street, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_326, t. 7−9, rps.).
5.9B. Józef Zaremba, UB functionary, regarding Marian Antonkiewicz, 5/9/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_326, k. 14, mps.).
5.9C. Józef Kucypera, platoon leader, PUBP Jędrzejów, regarding Antonkiewicz, 5/9/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_326, k. 15, mps.).
5.10A. Władysław Krześniak, policeman, Rank-and-File Training Course, MO Kielce, 10/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_470, k. 14−15, mps.).
5.10B. Władysław Krześniak, 19/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_470, k. 16−19, rps.).
5.11A. Jan Rogoziński, policeman, member of the first patrol sent to 7 Planty Street from MO police station at 45 Sienkiewicza Street, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_2043, k. 16−22, rps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 23−29, rps.).
5.11B. Jan Rogoziński, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_2043, k. 24−26, rps, oryg.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 30−32, rps, kopia).
5.12A. Franciszek Furman, master corporal at the county headquarters of the MO, sent to 7 Planty Street as part of the first patrol, 9/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_2043, k. 40−41, rps.).
5.12B. Franciszek Furman, trial testimony, 24/9/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_2043, k. 99, mps.).
5.13A. Ludwik Pustuła, policeman, corporal in the county headquarters of the MO in Kielce, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_2043, k. 30−32, rps.).
5.13B. Ludwik Pustuła, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_2043, k. 37−39, rps., oryg; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 42−44, rps., kopia).
5.13C. Ludwik Pustuła, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_2043, k. 33−36, rps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 3841, rps.).
5.13D. Stanisław Konecki, policeman, corporal in the county headquarters of the MO in Kielce, regarding Ludwik Pustuła, 1/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_2043, k. 45, rps.).
5.14. Minutes of confrontation: Rogoziński, Pustuła, vs. Szuchman, Zylbersztajn, 1/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_2043, k. 42−44, rps.)
5.15. Investigative files of Antoni Apajewski, Czesław Chojnacki, Stefan Palczyński, Józef Kanas, Zenon Kołpacki, Jan Pompa, and Ludwik Nowak (soldiers of the training company of KBW), 3/12/1946 (AIPN BU_0582_259, k. 9−15, mps.).
5.16A. Czesław Proszkiewicz, policeman, regarding Ryszard Sałapa, 10/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_267, k. 8, rps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 275, rps.).
5.16B. Tadeusz Wróbel, policeman, regarding Ryszard Sałapa, 11/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_267, k. 9−10, rps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 277−78, rps.).
5.16C. Józef Dzik, policeman, regarding Ryszard Sałapa, 11/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_267, k. 11, mps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 279–80).
5.16D. Ryszard Sałapa, policeman, 11/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_267, k. 12−13, mps.; Ki_53_4745, k. 281−82).
5.16E. Anonymous note regarding Ryszard Sałapa in the files of the investigation against Krawczyk, undated (AIPN Ki_41_267, k. 14, mps.).
5.16F. Ryszard Sałapa, 11/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_267, k. 15−16, mps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz.1, k. 283−84).
5.16G. Ryszard Sałapa, 24/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_267, k. 17−18, rps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 285−88, rps.).
5.16H. Ryszard Sałapa, 25/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_267, k. 21−22, rps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, k. 289−91).
5.16I. Ryszard Sałapa, 1/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_267, k. 26−27, rps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, k. 291−92).
5.17A. Marian Stalski, policeman, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_275, k. 9−11, rps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 308−10).
5.17B. Ewa Szuchman regarding Marian Stalski, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_275, k. 14−15, rps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 311−12, rps.).
5.18A. Eugeniusz Krawczyk, policeman, 9/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 14−15, mps.).
5.18B. Eugeniusz Krawczyk, 9/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 23−24, mps.).
5.18C. Eugeniusz Krawczyk, 25/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 33−37, rps.).
5.18D. Eugeniusz Krawczyk, 18/11/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 2, k. 57, mps.).
5.18E. Barbara Lipczyńska, cook, regarding Eugeniusz Krawczyk, 8/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 13, mps.).
5.18F. Barbara Lipczyńska, testimony at the trial of Eugeniusz Krawczyk, 18/11/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 2, k. 63−64, mps.).
5.19. Józef Mojecki, policeman, 9/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 19, mps.).
5.20A. Maria Syncerz, custodian, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 58−59, mps.).
5.20B. Maria Syncerz, 28/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 69−70, mps.).
5.20C. Husband of Maria Syncerz, appeal to the military prosecutor, 21/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 77, mps.).
5.20D. Maria Syncerz, trial testimony, 18/11/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 2, k. 57−58, mps.).
5.21A. Jan Soboń, custodian, 18/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 100−101, rps.).
5.21B. Helena Dziech regarding Jan Soboń, 17/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 98−99, mps.).
5.21C. Jan Ludian, janitor for the Municipal Board, regarding Jan Soboń, 13/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 94−95, rps.).
5.21D. Antonina Ściewiarska, seamstress, regarding Jan Soboń, 16/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 96−97, rps.).
5.22A. Henryk Szymkiewicz, chauffeur-mechanic, guard at the Provincial Committee of the Polish Socialist Party (PPS) in Kielce, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 110−12, rps.).
5.22B. Henryk Szymkiewicz, 12/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 117−18, rps.).
5.22C. Bronisław Tchórz, guard at the Provincial Committee of the Polish Socialist Party (PPS) in Kielce, regarding Henryk Szymkiewicz, 13/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 122−25, rps.).
5.22D. Confrontation of Bronisław Tchórz with Henryk Szymkiewicz, 15/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 119−21, rps.).
5.22E. Sylwester Klimczak, warrant officer, WUBP in Kielce, regarding Henryk Szymkiewicz, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 113−15, mps.).
5.22F. Władysław Krześniak, policeman, detained for participation in the pogrom, regarding Henryk Szymkiewicz, 30/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 134−35, rps.).
5.22G, Ryszard Sałapa, policeman, detained for participation in the pogrom, regarding Henryk Szymkiewicz, 30/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 136−37, rps.).
5.22H. Henryk Szymkiewicz, trial testimony, 18/11/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 2, cz. 4, k. 58−59, 65−66, 68−69, mps.).
5.22I. Herman Łatas, fellow prisoner of Henryk Szymkiewicz from the penitentiary in Racibórz, 20/5/1947 (AIPN Ki_127_373, k. 7 and 53, mps.).
5.22J. Herman Łatas, 7/1/1949 (AIPN Ki_127_373, k. 53−55, mps.).
5.23A. Stefan Franczak, clerk at the City Cleaning Plant, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 139−41, rps.).
5.23B. Stefan Nabiałczyk, WUBP functionary, regarding Stefan Franczak, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 142−44, rps.).
5.23C. Janina Safian, WUBP functionary, regarding Stefan Franczak, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 147−48, rps.).
5.23D. Edward Brandenburg, WUBP employee, regarding Stefan Franczak, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 151−52, rps.).
5.23E. Stefan Franczak, trial testimony, 18/11/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 2, cz. 4, k. 59, 66, mps.).
5.24A. Jadwiga Manecka, member of the Volunteer Fire Brigade, 23/7/1946 (Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 206−8, rps.).
5.24B. Jadwiga Manecka, 24/7/1946 (AIPN_Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 214−15, rps.).
5.24C. Maks Erlbaum regarding Jadwiga Manecka, 23/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 210−12, rps.).
5.24D. Maks Erlbaum regarding Jadwiga Manecka, 30/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 230−33).
5.24E. Maks Erlbaum, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_015_342, k. 50−51, mps, k. 52−55, rps.).
5.24F. Stanisław Sobański regarding Max Erlbaum, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_015_342, k. 16−17, rps.).
5.24G. Andrzej Drożdżeński, firefighter, regarding Jadwiga Manecka, 28/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, cz. 1, t. 1, k. 224−25, rps.; AIPN Ki_53_4745, cz. 1, k. 13−14).
5.24H. Stefan Bieniek, firefighter, regarding Jadwiga Manecka, 28/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, cz. 1, t. 1, k. 226, rps.).
5.24I. Jan Marzęcki, second lieutenant from the 10th Independent Defense Battalion of the WBW in Kielce, prison service officer, 27/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, cz. 1, t. 1, k. 241−42, rps.).
5.24J. Jadwiga Manecka and Jan Marzęcki (second lieutenants from the 10th Independent Protection Battalion of the WBW in Kielce, prison service officer), in the case of the assault on Max Erlbaum, trial testimony, 18/11/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 2, cz. 4, k. 54, 60, 67−68, mps.).
5.24K. Zenon Jamczyk, scout, regarding the assault on Max Erlbaum, undated (AIPN BU_00231_137, t. 12, k. 89, mps.).
5.25. Wiktor Ogonowski, driver in the 2DP WP communications platoon, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2344, k. 5−6, rps., k. 8, 10, 11−12, mps.).
5.26A. Edmund Kućmierowski, forestry worker, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2428, k. 8−9, rps.).
5.26B. Stanisław Pięta, 5/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_1652, k. 10−11, rps.).
5.27A. Piotr Szyling, prison service employee, 23/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 171−73, rps.).
5.27B. Andrzej Markiewicz regarding Piotr Szyling, 29/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 174−76, rps.).
5.27C. Andrzej Markiewicz, Piotr Szyling, confrontation, 28/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 184, rps.).
5.27D. Piotr Szyling, Andrzej Markiewicz, trial testimony, 18/11/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 2, cz. 4, k. 54, 59, 67, mps.).
5.28A. Stanisław Wawszczyk, caretaker, regarding Bolesław Piwowarski and Maria Syncerz, 6/6/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_3074, k. 5−6, rps.).
5.28B. Stanisław Wawszczyk regarding Maria Syncerz, 8/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_3074, k. 8−9, rps.).
5.28C. Stanisław Wawszczyk regarding Maria Syncerz, 27/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_3074, k. 10, rkps.).
5.28D. Bolesław Piwowarski regarding Stanisław Wawszczyk, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 61−62, rps.).
5.28E. Władysław Dobroszek regarding Stanisław Wawszczyk, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 63−64, rps.).
5.29. Mirosław Ksel, middle school student, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2590, k. 6−8, rps.).
5.30A. Zdzisław Świtek, butcher, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 80−81, rps.).
5.30B. Zdzisław Świtek, 12/7/1946 (AIPN Ki 41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 82−83, rps.).
5.30C. Stefan Nabiałczyk regarding Zdzisław Świtek, 15/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 84−85, rps.).
5.30D. Zdzisław Świtek, 27/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 86, rps.).
5.31A. Stanisław Sobański, WUBP officer, regarding Michal Stępnik, 9/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 160−61, rps.).
5.31B. Michał Stępnik, invalid, 16/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 162−63, rps.).
5.32A. Władysław Taborek, policeman from the MO Training Company, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_274, k. 9−10, rps.).
5.32B. Dora Dajboch about her dress, 9/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_274, k. 15−16, rps.).
6. Employees of the Ludwików Steelworks
6.1A. Stanisław Gajda, foundry worker at Ludwików Steelworks, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2543, k. 6−8).
6.1B. Stanisław Gajda, 19/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2543, k. 10−11, rps.).
6.2A. Bolesław Stawiarski, toolmaker at Ludwików Steelworks, 8/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2610, k. 8−9, rps.).
6.2B. Bolesław Stawiarski, 13/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2610, k. 10−11, rps.).
6.2C. Bolesław Stawiarski, 16/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2610, k. 12−15, rps.).
6.3. Zygmunt Karbownik, technical inspection worker at Ludwików Steelworks in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 221−24, mps.).
6.4. Stanisław Adamczyk, an employee of Ludwików Steelworks in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 134−37, mps.).
6.5. Henryk Konat, an employee of Ludwików Steelworks in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 192, mps.).
6.6. Marian Nogaj, an employee of the foundry in Ludwików Steel-works in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 266−69, mps.).
6.7. Tadeusz Kokosiński, production controller at Ludwików Steel-works in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 187−90, mps.).
6.8. Rudolf Adam Kurpios, warehouseman at Ludwików Steelworks in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 250−52, mps.).
6.9. Zygmunt Kruszczak, a student at the foundry department in Ludwików Steelworks in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 245−48, mps.).
6.10. Jadwiga Szymańska, polisher at Ludwików Steelworks in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 306−9, mps.).
6.11. Wincenty Czwartosz, errand boy at Ludwików Steelworks in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 175−78, mps.).
7. Firefighters
7.1A. Stefan Maj, fire brigade commander, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_3143, k. 4−5, rps.).
7.1B. Stefan Maj, 20/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_3143, k. 6−8, rps.).
7.1C. Stefan Maj, 1994 (AG-PK, t. 3, k. 95−99, mps.).
7.2. Józef Kocot, WUBP functionary, commander of PPR housing complex, 6/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_3143, k. 2−3, rps.).
8. Passersby, Their Relatives, and Their Relatives by Affinity
8.1. Edward Abramowicz, clerk, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 89−99, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 39−40, rps. [kserokopia]).
8.2. Edward Matej, teacher, secondary schools, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 97−98, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 47−48, rps [kserokopia]).
8.3. Franciszek Jonkisz, white-collar worker, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 80−82, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 30−32, rps. [kserokopia]).
8.4. Jan Kulas, owner of shop at the corner of Sienkiewicza and Planty Streets, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 78−79, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 28−29, rps. [kserokopia]).
8.5. Jan Mańturz, official, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4_t. 1, k. 70−71, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 20−21, k. 20−21, rps. [kserokopia]).
8.6. Janina Kulpa, professor at the teacher training school (Pedagogium), 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 87−88, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 37−38, rps. [kserokopia]).
8.7. Maria Cetnar, kitchen assistant at the teacher training school (Pedagogium) 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 72−73, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 22−23, rps. [kserokopia]).
8.8. Tadeusz Kociołkowski, barber, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 161−62, mps.; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 49−50, rps. [kserokopia]).
8.9. Władysław Fronczyk, secondary school teacher, employee at the teacher training school (Pedagogium), 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 76−77, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1 k. 26−27, rps [kserokopia]).
8.10. Zofia Rau, manager of the dormitory kitchen at the teacher training school (Pedagogium), 16 Leśna Street, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4_k. 74−75, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 24−25, mps. [kserokopia]).
8.11. Antoni Sałaj, merchant, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 85−86, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 35−36, rps. [kserokopia]; AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 185−86, mps.).
8.12. Stanisław Kowal, scout, 9/7/1946 (AIPN BU_00231_137_12, k. 99−100, mps.).
8.13. Witold Całka, a scout in 1946, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 6, k. 162−66, mps.).
8.14. Wacław Jedynak, a student of a one-year construction apprenticeship course, residing in a dormitory in 1946, 2001 (AG-PK, t. 11, k. 130−31, rps.).
8.15. Roman Wach, 7/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 1, k. 93−94, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413_1, k. 43−44, rps. [kserokopia]).
8.16A. Marceli Gardyński, barber, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2491, k. 7−8, rps.).
8.16B. Marceli Gardyński, 18/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2491, k. 9−11, rps.).
8.17A. Wacław Radomski, shoemaker, 4/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2509, k. 8−9, rps.).
8.17B. Wacław Radomski, 18/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2509, k. 10−12, rps.).
8.17C. Piotr Maj, WUBP employee, 20/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2509, k. 13−14, rps.).
8.18A. Jan Wrzeszcz, prosecutor of the District Court in Kielce in 1946, 1952 (AIPN Bu_01439_23, t., k. 6–13, rkp.).
8.18B. Jan Wrzeszcz, prosecutor of the District Court in Kielce in 1946, 1952 (AIPN BU_0_1439_23, t., k. 14–17, rkp.).
9. On the Train
9.1. Rachela Grunglas, repatriated from the USSR, 26/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_53_4753, k. 88−89; AŻIH, Relacje, sygn. 301/4567; GFHA, Catalog No. 024034; see also, AAN, sygn. MAP 119, k. 45).
9.2. Ida Gerstman, traveling by train, 11/7/1946 (Archiwum ŻIH, Relacje, sygn. 301/4567).
9.3. Henryk Gitelis, tailor/patternmaker, 8/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1453_4, t. 2, k. 118−19, rps. [oryginał]; AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 198−99, rps. [kserokopia]).
9.4. Józef Sztarkman, photographer, 8/7/1946 (AIPN BU_0_1413, t. 1, k. 200−201, rps. [kserokopia]).
9.5. Max Holc, demobilized soldier, 24/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_53_4753, k. 89−90; AAN PPR sygn. 295/VII149, k. 325; also AAN, MAP 199, k. 46).
9.6. Anszel Pinkusiewicz, traveling from Chojnów to Kielce, July 1946 (AG-PK, t. 6, k. 660−67).
9.7A. Kazimierz Redliński, middle school student and scout, trial testimony, 18/11/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 2, k. 60, 68).
9.7B. Kazimierz Redliński, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 250−53, rps.).
9.7C. Kazimierz Redliński, 12/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 262−64, rps.).
9.7D. Kazimierz Redliński, 15/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 255−57, rps.).
9.7E. Kazimierz Redliński, 20/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 258−61, rps.).
9.7F. Kazimierz Redliński, 27/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 265−66, rps.).
9.7G. Marian Kozłowski regarding Kazimierz Redliński, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_00231_137_12, k. 10, mps.).
9.7H. Roman Piasecki regarding Kazimierz Redliński, 5/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_41_520, t. 1, cz. 1, k. 248−49, rps.).
9.7I. Michał Klajn regarding Kazimierz Redliński, 5/7/1946 (AIPN BU_00231_137_12, cz. 1, k. 102−3, mps.).
9.7J. Michał Klajn regarding Kazimierz Redliński, 10/7/1946 (AIPN BU_00231_137_12, cz.1; AAN MAP 787, k. 28; AAN PPR 295/VII149, k. 321).
9.8. Józef Brzeziński, train conductor on Częstochowa—Skarżysko-Kamienna line, 7/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2318, k. 8−10, rps.).
9.9. Jan Kurczyński, an employee of the Kielce-Herby railway office in 1946, 1996 (AG-PK, t. 6, k.1136−37).
9.10A. Czesław Nowak, fourteen-year-old lemonade seller, witness to the murder of two Jews at Kielce-Herby station, 9/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2700, k. 6−7, rps.).
9.10B. Czesław Nowak, 27/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2700, k. 12−13, rps.).
9.10C. Mieczysław Krasowski, seventeen years old, wage worker, regarding Czesław Nowak, 27/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_13_2700, k. 14, rps.).
9.11. Bruno Piątek, chief mechanic at the Ludwików Steelworks in 1946, 1984 (account filed with AŻIH in 1984; see also YVA and AG-PK, t. 6, k. 55−60, mps.).
10. Clergy
10.1A. Cardinal August Hlond, statement for American journalists, Warsaw, 11/7/1946 (AIPN BU_944_548, k. 6−7, mps. [Archival materials seized by investigators of the MBP during a search in the Kielce Curia in 1951]; AG-PK, t. 2, k. 223−24, mps. [poor legibility]).
10.1B. Cardinal August Hlond, remarks on the statement for American journalists, Warsaw, 11/7/1946 (AIPN BU_944_548, k. 21, mps.; AIPN BU_1572_731, k. 29; AG-PK, t. 2, k. 240, mps. [poor legibility]). 10.2. Bishop Teodor Kubina, Ordinary of Częstochowa, appeal, 7/7/1946 (APK, UWK II, sygn. 1242, reprinted in M2, s. 112−14).
10.3. Bishop Stefan Wyszyński, Ordinary of Lublin, certified copy of the report summarizing an audience with the Bishop attended by M. Szyldkraut and St. Słuszny following the Kielce pogrom, 10/10/1953 (AAN, MAiP, sygn. 924, k. 119).
10.4. Statement of Maurycy Zielonka submitted to the District Jewish Committee in Płock, subsequently sent by this committee to the presidium of the Central Committee of Polish Jews in Warsaw, 30/9/1946 (AAN 295/VII-149, k. 333, mps.).
10.5. Letter from the British ambassador to Poland, Victor Cavendish-Bentinck, to the chargé d’affaires of the British embassy, Robin Hankey, summarizing Cavendish-Bentinck’s conversation with Juliusz Bieniek, auxiliary bishop of Upper Silesia, regarding the Kielce pogrom, 28/8/1946 (Public Record Office, London: Foreign Office, General Correspondence, Political, sygn. 371 57694. WR 2335, quoted in Aryeh Josef Kochavi, “The Catholic Church and Anti-Semitism in Poland Following World War II as Reflected in British Diplomatic Documents,” Gal-Ed on the History of the Jews in Poland, 11 (1989): 123).
10.6. Letter of Fr. Piotr Dudziec to parish priests, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_944_548, k. 16; AG-PK, t. 2, k. 235, mps.).
10.7. Letter of Fr. Tadeusz Szwalbe to Prime Minister Władysław Gomułka, 12/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_53_4743, k. 126, mps.).
10.8. Representatives of KW PPR in Poznań regarding Father Martuzalski, 10/7/1946 (AAN, PPR 295/VII-149, k. 327, mps.).
10.9. Appeal of Provincial Governor Wiślicz (Eugeniusz Iwańczyk) that Fr. Danilewicz refused to sign (AIPN BU_944_548, k. 14, mps.).
10.10. Appeal of Provincial Governor Wiślicz (Eugeniusz Iwańczyka) and Fr. Danilewicz, 6/7/1946 (AIPN BU_944_548, k. 15, mps.).
11. The Next Day in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski and Częstochowa
11.1. Ostrowiec (AAN, PPR, 295/IX-408, mps.)
11.1.1. Report of unrest in Ostrowiec addressed to the Central Committee of Polish Jews (Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich [CKŻP], Branch in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, 30 Kościelna Street).
11.1.2. Abram Sztarkmann, tailor, 14/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 19−21, mps.).
11.1.3. Lejbuś Rosenblat, goldsmith, 14/8/1946 (AIPN Ki_29_117, k. 17−18, mps.).
11.2. Częstochowa
11.2.1. Chmielewski, head of Department III of the PUBP in Kielce, to the MBP in Warsaw, 17/7/1946 (AIPN BU_1572_4051, k. 24, mps.).
11.2.2. Maria Jop, housewife, 11/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_015_342, k. 205−8, rps.).
11.2.3. Edmund Kucharski, worker from the Częstochowianka factory, 13/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 211−12, mps., 213−14, rps.).
11.2.4. Wiktoria Micuła, housewife, 13/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 215−16, mps., 217−19, rps.).
11.2.5. Maria Małasiewicz, housewife, 13/7/1946 (AIPN Ki_0_15_342, k. 220−21, mps., 222−24, rps.).
12. From the Archive of Michał Chęciński (AMCh)
12.1. Edka Eisenman [Ajzenman-Lewkowicz], secretary in the Officers’ Department of WUBP Kielce, 1973 (AG-PK, t. 7, k. 214−49, mps.; Archiwum Michała Chęcińskiego).
12.2. Interview with Adam Kornecki, first head of the WUBP in Kielce, 1974 (AG-PK, t. 7, k. 171−213, mps.; Archiwum Michała Chęcińskiego).
13. Shorthand Report from the First Day of the Trial of the Perpetrators of the Kielce Pogrom, Kielce, 1946 (AŻIH, no catalog number, typed manuscript, 142 pages)
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