BA Archives of the Bad Arolsen International Tracing Service: https://www.its-arolsen.org/archiv/; https://www.its-arolsen.org/pl/.
Blum. Rafael Blumenfeld, Kibbutz Ichud Hanoar Hatzioni Akiba be-Kielce lifnei veacharei hapogrom, “Massuah” 1984, No. 12 (see SL, trans. A. Piątek (from Hebrew).
BoJo Documentary film Przy Planty 7/9 (Bogdan’s Journey), dir. Michał Jaskulski and Larry Loewinger, 2016.
Chęciński Michał Chęciński, Poland: Communism, Nationalism, Antisemitism, New York: Karz-Cohl Publishing, NY, 1982, 23–33.
CKŻP When used to describe primary sources, “CKŻP” refers to a record group in the Archive of the Jewish Historical Institute (AŻIH). It consists mainly of registration lists of Jews in Poland as recorded in the aftermath of the Holocaust by the Central Committee of Polish Jews (CKŻP).
Electoral list List of eligible voters dated 1938 (Archiwum Państwowe Kielce, Lista wyborcza, 1938, Planty Street)
JOINT JOINT registration lists held in the Archives of the Jewish Historical Institute (Żydowski Instytut Historyczny).
Łódźhospitallist List of victims injured during the Kielce pogrom as recorded in the main patient registry of the WUBP Hospital in Łódź (called the Protestant Hospital until January 1, 1945) located at Północna St. 42 (AIPN Ki 53_4145; also at Yad Vashem, YV 06.353)
M1 Collection of primary source documents related to the Kielce progrom in Stanisław Meducki and Zenon Wrona, eds., Antyżydowskie wydarzenia kieleckie 4 lipca 1946 roku. Dokumenty i materiały, vol. 1 (Kielce: Urząd Miasta Kielce and Kieleckie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 1992).
M2 Collection of primary source documents related to the Kielce progrom in Stanisław Meducki, ed., Antyżydowskie wydarzenia kieleckie 4 lipca 1946 roku. Dokumenty i materiały, vol. 2 (Kielce: Kieleckie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 1994).
Miłosz(raw footage) Transcription (120 typed pages) of raw footage filmed by Andrzej Miłosz recording interviews with survivors. These interviews were filmed in Israel in early 1996 and submitted on April 23, 1996, for inclusion in the second Kielce pogrom investigation. These transcripts are filed in two locations: AIPN Ki_53_4749 and AG-PK (specifically, S58/01/Zk, t. 8).
Repatriates list List of Jews repatriated from the USSR, prepared by CKŻP (Lista repatriantów z ZSRR, AŻIH, CKŻP, file no. 303/V/36, k. 15).
Residents list A handwritten list of Jews residing at Planty 7 in Kielce, including individuals’ addresses as registered after the pogrom. The list concludes with the following summary: “45 wounded, 34 Jews killed, 2 Poles” (AIPN Ki_29_117., k. 29–32).
SArm Typescript, translations from Yiddish by Sara Arm of the following texts Rudawski, Michał, “Der shrekleher pogrom in Kelts mit 40 yor tsurik [The horrible Kielce pogrom—40 years ago],” Undzer vort, no. 122: July 2, 1986, and Dos Naye Lebn no. 23 (July 12, 1946); no. 24 (July 19, 1946). Page numbers refer to the typescript.
SL Source List provided in this book.
Transportlist Transport list of pogrom survivors who arrived in Łódź from Kielce on July 7, 1946 (AŻIH, CKŻP, file no. 303/XIX/57, k. 6, Lista transportu przybyłego 7 lipca 1946 r. z Kielc do Łódzi). Passengers were marked on this list as either “injured” (zdrowi) or “hospitalized” (“do szpitala zostali przewiezieni”).
“UnfinishedStory” Jarosław Dulewicz and Joanna Tokarska-Bakir, “‘An Unfinished Story’: Genealogy of the Kielce Pogrom Victims. Selected Problems and New Research Possibilities,” SCRIPTA JUDAICA CRACOVIENSIA 18 (2020): 163–88.
USC Shoah University of Southern California, Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive Online: https://sfi.usc.edu/vha/access.
Wokół 1 Wokół pogromu kieleckiego [On the Kielce pogrom], vol. 1, eds. J. Żaryn, Ł. Kamiński, Kielce 2006.
Wokół 2 Wokół pogromu kieleckiego [On the Kielce pogrom], vol. 2, eds. L. Bukowski, A. Jankowski, J. Żaryn, Kielce 2008.
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