1. Women and the National Park Service
1.Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815–1897 (1898; repr., New York: Schocken Books, 1971), 148.
2.Stanton, 150.
3.Stanton, 150.
4.Polly Welts Kaufman, National Parks and the Woman’s Voice: A History (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1966), 154.
5.Nancy Russell, The Authority of the Badge (Harpers Ferry, WV: National Park Service), 2.
6.Nancy Russell, Protecting the Ranger Image (Harpers Ferry, WV: National Park Service), 1.
7.Nancy Russell, Girls in Uniform (Harpers Ferry, WV: National Park Service), 1.
8.Russell, Protecting the Ranger Image, 5.
9.Nancy Russell, The Unisex Uniform (Harpers Ferry, WV: National Park Service), 3.
10.R. Bryce Workman, National Park Service Uniforms: Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts, 1918–1991, no. 4 (1998), National Park Service History Collection, Harpers Ferry Center, Harpers Ferry, WV,
11.Workman, National Park Service Uniforms: Breeches, Blouses, and Skirts, 1918–1991.
12.54 USC 100101(a), 100301 et seq. (pp. 3 through 4 of P.L. 113–287).
13.54 USC 320101 et seq. (begins on p. 164).
14.US Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Management Policies (Washington, DC, 1978), 5–8,
4. Crafting the Legislation
1.Report on the Hearing Before the Subcommittee on National Parks and Insular Affairs of the Committee of the Interior and Insular Affairs on National Park Service’s New Area Study Program, 96th Congress, first session of the House of Representatives, December 7, 1979, serial no. 96-23.
2.Report on the Hearing . . ., December 7, 1979, serial no. 96-23.
5. Congress Embraces the New Park
1.Hearing before the Subcommittee on Parks, Recreation, and Renewable Resources of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-Sixth Congress, Second Session on S. 2263, A Bill to Provide for the Establishment of the Women’s Rights National Historic Park in the State of New York, and for Other Purposes, Septemeber 8, 1980 (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1980), 120. All quotations from the hearing in this chapter are from this transcript.
7. Alan Alda Opens the Park
1.Gerda Lerner, convocation speech for the Second Seneca Falls Women’s History Conference, July 15, 1982, Eisenhower College, Seneca Falls, NY. Papers of Pat Haines, including Haines’s remarks, in the author’s possession.
8. Stanton House Sheds Her Disguise
1.Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815–1897 (1898; repr., New York: Schocken Books, 1971), 144.
2.The HSR is available on the National Park Service DataStore at
9. The Sacred Laundromat
1.Village of Seneca Falls, NY, “Seneca Falls Urban Cultural Park Management Plan,” 1985.
10. Wesleyan Chapel Reimagined
1.NPS Data Store, Stanton House Historic Structure Report, Women’s Rights National Historical Park, Digital Files and Links,
2.“Report of the Woman’s Rights Convention” (full text), National Park Service,
3.Abigail Adams, March 31, 1776, letter to John Adams, Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.