Characters in Eight Dogs, Chapters I–XXXVIII
This is a list of characters appearing in Eight Dogs, Part One and Part Two. It is confined to named characters and thus omits various unnamed soldiers, attendants, and the like. It also omits various political figures mentioned by the narrator who do not appear as characters in the story, even if they do appear in the story in future chapters. Persons only mentioned in conversations (e.g., as part of a character’s back story) are included if they are of continuing significance (like, for example, Tanzō Naohide).
In parentheses after each name is given the number of the chapter in which that character first appears. This is followed by a very brief note as to the character’s place in the story. Formal titles are omitted from this list, though particularly significant ones are included in the explanation of the character’s place in the story. Names appear as they are given in the translation; the translator has elected to translate the no element of medieval samurai names, which means that, for example, the character known in the original as Amatsu no Hyōnai is called Hyōnai of the Amatsu in the translation, and is listed that way here.
- Aboshi Samojirō (XXIII) Drifter who takes up residence in Ōtsuka.
- Amasaki Jūichirō Terubumi (XXXVII) Son of Amasaki Jūrō Terutake. Satomi retainer and companion of Chudai in the search for the Dog Warriors. Is using the alias Kantoku when he first appears to Kobungo (XXXII).
- Amasaki Jūrō Terutake (VI) Local samurai from Tōjō who joins Sugikura Ujimoto and eventually serves Satomi Yoshizane directly.
- Anzai Saburōdayū Kagetsura (II) Ruler of the Awa district of Awa province and lord of Tateyama Castle when Satomi Yoshizane arrives in Awa.
- Ashikaga Nariuji (XXX) Son of Ashikaga Mochiuji, who was defeated at the battle of Yūki. Brother of the princes Haruō (Shun’ō) and Yasuō (An’ō). Is Lord of Koga when he appears in the story in Chapter XXX; is mentioned several times before this. His childhood name was Eijuō.
- Ayame (XXVIII) Hamaji’s mother. Concubine of Inuyama Sadatomo. Deceased by the time of the story.
- Azana Wazahei (VIII) Farmer and original owner of Yatsufusa.
- Bokuhei of Somaki (II) Farmer and former Kanamari follower.
- Bungyū (XVI) Monk at the Nenge Hermitage and Tatsuka’s captor when she is first introduced.
- Chiba Yasutane (XXIV) Lord with whom Nariuji takes refuge after being driven out of Koga.
- Chitomo Dannai (XXXIV) Estatesman over Gyōtoko.
- ChudaiSee Kanamari Daisuke Takanori.
- Dotarō (XXIV) Boatman hired by Hikiroku in his plot against Shino.
- Fuse (VIII) Satomi Yoshizane’s daughter, and the spiritual mother of the Eight Dog Warriors. Called Fusehime in the original; the -hime element means “princess,” and is sometimes used alone as a title, so in the translation she is known as Princess Fuse.
- GakuzōSee Inuyama Sōsuke.
- Hamaji (XVII) Adopted daughter of Kamezasa and Hikiroku. At first, her real father is identified only as a retainer of Heizaemon Masumori of Nerima. Later we learn she is the sister of Inuyama Dōsetsu.
- Heizaemon Masumori of Nerima (XXII) Toshima Nobumori’s younger brother; also slain at the Battle of Ikebukuro. Inuyama Dōsetsu’s hereditary lord. First mentioned in XVII in connection with Hamaji. In XXVIII “Nerima” is treated as a surname: Nerima Heizaemon.
- Hikami Jadayū (XXIII) Lieutenant under Ōishi Hyōenojō; mentioned only as having died; father of Kyūroku.
- Hikami Kyūroku (XXIII) Lieutenant under Ōishi Hyōenojō after his father’s death.
- Hikami Shahei (XXX) Younger brother of Hikami Kyūroku.
- Hikiroku (XVI) Marries Kamezasa and succeeds to Ōtsuka family headship. Surname when he is first introduced is Yayayama.
- Horiuchi Kurando Sadayuki (I) Hereditary retainer and companion of Satomi Suemoto. Sent with Sugikura Ujimoto to escort Yoshizane away from the Battle of Yūki. He and Ujimoto become Yoshizane’s right-hand men.
- Hyōnai of the Amatsu (II) Retainer of Jin’yo Mitsuhiro.
- Imasaka Jōan (XXVIII) A physician who plots with Ayame to murder Ozehi and Inuyama Dōsetsu. Deceased by the time of the story.
- Inue Shinbei (XXXI) A Dog Warrior. Introduced under the name Shinpei, nicknamed Daihachi. Later renamed Inue Shinbei Masashi. Son of Yamabayashi Fusahachi and Nui. His bead character is jin, benevolence.
- Inukai Genpachi (XXX) A Dog Warrior. When introduced he is called Kenpachi, but changes his name to Inukai Genpachirō Nobumichi. Biological son of Nukasuke. His bead character is shin, fidelity.
- Inukai Kenbei (XXXI) Inukai Genpachi’s adoptive father, a samurai in the service of Koga. Deceased by the time of the story.
- Inukawa Eji Noritō (XX) Inukawa Sōsuke’s father; an official in Izu. Deceased by the time Sōsuke enters the story. Sōsuke’s mother (cousin to Amasaki Jūrō Terutake), also deceased, is unnamed, but her tale is told in XX.
- Inukawa Sōsuke (XVIII) A Dog Warrior. When first introduced, he is a servant of Hikiroku’s known as Gakuzō. In Chapter XX, he renames himself Inukawa Sōsuke Yoshitō. His bead character is gi, righteousness.
- Inuta the Barricade (XXXII) Gyōtoko village ruffian and Inuta Kobungo’s namesake.
- Inuta Kobungo (XXXI) A Dog Warrior. Son of Konaya Bungobei; the name Inuta comes from a ruffian he bests and is applied by locals as a term of honor. Full name is Inuta Kobungo Yasuyori. His bead character is tei, fraternity.
- Inuyama Dōsetsu (XXVII) A Dog Warrior. When introduced, he is posing as a mystic named Kenryū. As a child he was known as Michimatsu, and when he reaches adulthood he names himself Inuyama Dōsetsu Tadatomo. His bead character is chū, loyalty.
- Inuyama Sadatomo (XXVIII) Inuyama Dōsetsu’s father, deceased when Dōsetsu enters the story. Also known as Dōsaku. A vassal of Heizaemon of Nerima.
- Inuzuka Shino (XVI) A Dog Warrior. Son of Ōtsuka/Inuzuka Bansaku and Tatsuka. In Chapter XIX, he is renamed Inuzuka Shino Moritaka. His bead character is kō, filial piety.
- Isakawa Iohachi (XXIII) One of Hikami Kyūroku’s subordinates.
- Isarago (VIII) Satomi Yoshizane’s wife and mother of Fuse and Yoshinari. Isarago is the daughter of Jōren, lord of Shiitsu Castle in Kazusa (who is mentioned but does not appear in the story).
- Issaku of Kazusa (VII) Peasant who sheltered Kanamari Takayoshi while he was in hiding. Maternal grandfather of Kanamari Daisuke Takanori.
- Itagoki Kinta (XXXV) Gyōtoko ruffian and crony of Karashirō.
- Itarō (XXVII) Sedan-bearer and crony of Dotarō.
- Iwakuma Donpei (V) Retainer of Yamashita Sadakane.
- Jin’yo Nagasanosuke Mitsuhiro (II) Ruler of the Nagasa and Heguri districts of Awa and lord of Takita Castle when Satomi Yoshizane arrives in Awa.
- Kabuto Toppei (VII) Retainer of Anzai Kagetsura.
- Kaeta (XIV) Housemaid to the Satomi family. She is not identified by name until Chapter XIV, where it is revealed that she was one of the women who had been sent to search for the Princess Fuse in earlier chapters.
- Kakisaki Kojirō (XV) Senior vassal of Nagao Inabanosuke, picked to act as executioner to Shun’ō and Yasuō.
- Kamado Sabohei Kazuyuki (XXVIII) Retainer of Ōgigayatsu Sadamasa and killer of Dōsetsu’s father.
- Kamahei (XXI) Elderly peasant in the village of Ōtsuka.
- Kamezasa (XVI) Ōtsuka Shōsaku’s daughter, Ōtsuka/Inuzuka Bansaku’s stepsister, and Inuzuka Shino’s aunt. Marries Hikiroku and with him assumes headship of Ōtsuka family.
- Kanamari Daisuke Takanori (VII) Kanamari Hachirō Takayoshi’s son by Issaku’s daughter Kohagi (who is mentioned but does not appear in the story). When he first appears, he is called Katami. In Chapter XIV he assumes the priestly name Chudai, by which he will be known for the rest of the story. Is using the alias Nengyoku when he reappears in XXXII.
- Kanamari Hachirō Takayoshi (IV) Former Jin’yo retainer who went into hiding after his lord’s death. Father of Kanamari Daisuke Takanori.
- Karashirō (XXXV) Local Gyōtoko mischief maker, nicknamed “Karashirō of the Saltmakers’ Beach.”
- Katarō (XXVII) Sedan-bearer and crony of Dotarō.
- Kijirō (XVIII) Cat adopted by Hikiroku and Kamezasa.
- Kogorōbei Nobutoki of the Maro (II) Ruler of the Asahina district of Awa and lord of Hiratate Castle when Satomi Yoshizane arrives in Awa. On first mention, his middle name is given as Kogorōbei; subsequently it is given as Kogorō.
- Konaya Bungobei (XXXI) Innkeeper at Gyōtoko; Inuta Kobungo’s father; younger brother of Shichirō of the Nako.
- Mukuzō of Susaki (II) Farmer and former Kanamari follower.
- MyōshinSee Toyama Myōshin.
- Nagao Inabanosuke (XV) Retainer of the Overseer Uesugi Kiyokata, and captor of Shun’ō and Yasuō.
- Nagao Kageharu (XXVII) Originally a retainer of the Overseer Yamanouchi Akisada, he is introduced as having struck out on his own.
- Nagao Masakata (XVI) Overseer in Kamakura at the time of Ashikaga Nariuji’s return to the city in XVI.
- NariujiSee Ashikaga Nariuji.
- Niiori Hodayū Atsumitsu (XXXI) Head of a search party that Yokohori Arimura sends after Shino.
- Nishigori Tonji (XV) Senior vassal of Nagao Inabanosuke, picked to act as executioner to Shun’ō and Yasuō.
- Nisō (IV) Farmer in Kominato.
- Nobutoki of the MaroSee Kogorōbei Nobutoki of the Maro.
- Nui (XXXI) Daughter of Konaya Bungobei, sister of Inuta Kobungo, wife of Yamabayashi Fusahachi, and mother of Inue Shinbei.
- Nukasuke (XVII) Ōtsuka/Inuzuka Bansaku’s neighbor. Later revealed to have been Inukai Genpachi’s real father.
- Nurude Gobaiji (XXIII) One of Hikami Kyūroku’s subordinates.
- Ōgigayatsu (Uesugi) Sadamasa (XI) Overseer in Kamakura. First mentioned in XI, mentioned several more times in chapters covered in Part Two.
- Ōishi Hyōenojō (XVI) Lieutenant over the village of Ōtsuka; Hikiroku’s superior once he becomes village headman.
- Ōta Mochisuke (XXII) One of the three generals who invades Toshima.
- Ōtsuka Bansaku Kazumori (XV) Son of Ōtsuka Shōsaku, father of Inuzuka Shino. Changes his surname to Inuzuka after returning from the battle of Yūki.
- Ōtsuka Shōsaku Mitsumori (XV) Father of Ōtsuka Bansaku, grandfather of Inuzuka Shino. Retainer of Ashikaga Mochiuji, the Kamakura Overseer.
- Ozehi (XXVIII) Inuyama Dōsetsu’s mother. Deceased by the time of the story.
- Sabitsuka Ikunai (V) Retainer of Yamashita Sadakane.
- Sanpei (IV) Farmer in Kominato.
- Saori (XIV) Housemaid to the Satomi family. She is not identified by name until Chapter XIV, where it is revealed that she was one of the women who had been sent to search for Princess Fuse in earlier chapters.
- Satomi Suemoto (I) Satomi Yoshizane’s father, loyal to Ashikaga Mochiuji.
- Satomi Yoshinari (VIII) Satomi Yoshizane’s son and heir. He is called Jirotarō as a child, and often referred to as the Scion (onzōshi, a term applied to the young sons of noble or samurai houses, particularly of the Genji line; the term is also applied to Yoshizane in the early chapters).
- Satomi Yoshizane (I) Son of Satomi Suemoto, and founder of the Satomi line in Awa. Father of Fuse and Yoshinari.
- Sesuke (XXI) Elderly servant of Hikiroku and Kamezasa.
- Shichirō of the Nako (II) Retainer of Jin’yo Mitsuhiro. In Chapter XXXII it is revealed that his full name was Shichirō Yoshitake of the Nako.
- Shietage Kokuroku Motoyori (IV) Yamashita Sadakane’s retainer, in charge of Tōjō Castle when Yoshizane arrives in Awa. On his second mention, his middle name is given as Kokurokurō.
- Shijirō (IV) Farmer in Kominato.
- Shinanonosuke Masayasu (XV) Assistant to Nagao Inabanosuke.
- Shun’ō (Haruō) (XV) One of the two sons of Ashikaga Mochiuji. Mentioned in Chapter I, he does not figure in the story until Chapter XV.
- Sugikura Kisonosuke Ujimoto (I) Hereditary retainer and companion of Satomi Suemoto. Sent with Horiuchi Sadayuki to escort Yoshizane away from the Battle of Yūki. He and Sadayuki become Yoshizane’s right-hand men.
- Tamazusa (II) Concubine of Jin’yo Mitsuhiro and later of Yamashita Sadakane. Much of the story involves her dying curse playing itself out.
- Tanzō Naohide of the I (XVI) Tatsuka’s father and Ōtsuka Shōsaku’s comrade.
- Tatsuka (XV) Wife of Ōtsuka Bansaku and mother of Shino; introduced in Chapter XV, but not named until the following chapter.
- Toshima Kageyuzaemon Nobumori (XXII) Head of the Toshima clan, destroyed at the Battle of Ikebukuro.
- Uesugi Gyōbunoshōyū (XXII) One of the three generals who invades Toshima. This name is translated as “the Uesugi who held the post of Lesser Assistant in the Ministry of Punishments.”
- Ushigane Mōroku (XXXV) Gyōtoko ruffian and crony of Karashirō.
- Toyama Myōshin (XXXV) Yamabayashi Fusahachi’s mother. Toyama was her lay name, while Myōshin is her Buddhist name. When first introduced she is often referred to with an amalgamation of the two: “Toyama Myōshin.”
- Tsumatate Togorō (V) Retainer of Yamashita Sadakane.
- Yamabayashi Fusahachirō (XXXI) Master of the Inueya boat house in Ichikawa; Nui’s husband and Inue Shinbei’s father. Grandson of Bokuhei of Somaki.
- Yamanouchi (Uesugi) Akisada (XI) Overseer in Kamakura. First mentioned in XI, mentioned several more times in chapters covered in Part Two.
- Yamashita Sakuzaemon Sadakane (II) Retainer of Jin’yo Mitsuhiro, who, as Yoshizane arrives in Awa, has usurped his master’s domain. In Chapter V, he is called Sakuzaemon-no-jō.
- Yasuō (An’ō) (XV) One of the two sons of Ashikaga Mochiuji. Mentioned in Chapter I, he does not figure in the story until Chapter XV.
- Yatsufusa (VIII) Dog originally owned by Azana Wazahei, then by Satomi Yoshizane. Spiritual father of the Eight Dog Warriors.
- Yokohori Fuhito Arimura (XXVI) Nariuji’s chancellor in Koga.
- Yoritane (XXII) One of the three generals who invades Toshima. Vice-Lord of Chiba.
- Yoshirō (XVI) Dog adopted by Ōtsuka/Inuzuka Bansaku and Tatsuka.