Figures and boxes are indicated by “f” and “b” following page numbers.
AASHE (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education), 117, 159
Abbey, Edward, 90
abundance: beauty and, 89; binocular vision and, 37; cultural norms and, 81–82; happiness and, 93; in rocky road scenario, 174; technology and, 80–82, 94; “touching the world lightly” and, 92
adaptive cycle, 17–28; collaboration and, 23, 33; competition in, 17–20; education and, 26, 27, 117; feedback loops in, 18; growth phase, 17–20, 22–23, 27–28, 32–33, 54, 93; humility and, 63; leadership in, 20, 26; overview, 17, 17f; political polarization and, 22; reorganization phase, 18–28, 47, 63, 70–71, 93, 125; resilience skills and, 23–24; skillful habits and, 17, 23, 28, 175; social systems and, 19–20, 19f; sustainability and, 20–21, 28, 125; systems thinking and, 105, 118–19. See also conservation phase; release phase
Affordable Care Act of 2010, 31
age of climate change: apocalyptic framing of, 10–11, 20, 179n15; challenges in, 2, 11–16, 28, 132, 178–79n9; cognitive flexibility in, 64; collaboration in, 29, 37, 79; explanation of, 2; frugality in, 92–93; humility in, 70, 79; systems thinking in, 105, 118, 121
agriculture: genetically engineered crops, 125; green revolution in, 10, 99; productivity and yields, 12, 82; school gardens/farms, 154–56, 184n18; sustainability and, 155, 159
Aristotle, 2, 4, 78, 146, 183n30
Aspen Institute, 151
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), 117, 159
Association of American Colleges and Universities, 52
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) system, 110
back-to-the-land movement, 87
balance, in virtue theory, 146–47
balancing feedback loops, 108, 109, 112
bandwagon fallacy, 58
barriers to resilience skill development/scaling up, 128–46; culture change urgency, 140–43; education risks, 144–46; elitism, 129–32; ideological associations, 134–36; immorality of flourishing, 133–34; local circumstances, 132–33; loneliness, 139; misidentification of skills, 136–38; no silver bullet, 138–39; political polarization, 143–44; stepladders for, 128–29, 132–39, 142–43
Battaly, Heather, 39
beauty: constructive frugality and, 84, 87, 89–91; in nature, 89–91, 95, 100, 113, 174–75, 184n22; positive emotions and, 7, 94
behavior change: for climate change mitigation, 98; collaborative elements of, 33, 50; individual vs. large-scale, 178n6; learning requirements for, 164; motivations for, 11, 25, 58, 134
biases: confirmation, 59, 60; conviction and, 59, 60, 66, 70; cultural, 152, 153, 157; empathy and, 29, 30, 39–40; law of the instrument and, 120
binocular vision: abundance and, 37; adaptability and, 137; collaboration and, 5, 36–37, 52; competition and, 5, 36–37; conviction and, 37, 65, 69, 79; frugality and, 37, 101; in green road scenario, 173; humility and, 37, 65, 69, 79, 163; individualism and, 37; skillful habits and, 37, 132, 143, 149, 175; systems thinking and, 37, 115, 117
biodiversity loss: consumption habits and, 95; environmental decline and, 2, 13; immorality of flourishing and, 133; planetary boundaries for, 12, 21; policy development for, 25; systems thinking and, 105
Blume, Ruby K., 87
Bouckaert, Luk, 89
Braver Angels, 49
Brienza, Justin P., 131
Brundtland Commission, 121, 124
Buddhism, 89
Bullard, Robert D., 7
Bush, George H. W., 54
“butterfly” effect, 63
Cabin, Robert: Intelligent Tinkering, 74–79
Campbell, Scott, 125
capabilities approach to well-being, 2
capitalism, 9, 13–14, 32, 82, 97, 124–25, 173
Capital Preparatory Harlem Charter School, 153
Carson, Rachel: Silent Spring, 67–71, 78
CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), 151
character education, 143–46, 151–53, 158–59
character traits: barriers to development of, 129; cultural norms and, 1, 4; flourishing and, 1, 3–5, 133, 138–39, 152, 175; malleability of, 53; morality and, 55, 122; situationists on, 132, 177n10; as skillful habits, 4–5. See also virtues; specific traits
charter schools, 152, 153, 155
Chesapeake Watershed Project, 31, 35, 165
Christianity, 4, 73, 79, 89, 167
Churchill, Winston, 67
Clements, Frederic, 186n16
climate change: assessment of challenges related to, 178n9; collaborative approaches, 33–34; conviction and, 57–58, 67; education on, 25, 168–69; feedback loops and, 108; greenhouse gases and, 96, 108; hope and, 42–43, 45, 168; Paris Accords, 31, 34; planetary boundaries for, 12, 21; polarization and, 13, 57; resource shortages and, 35; scenario planning and, 171–75; systems thinking and, 105; as wicked problem, 16, 98–99. See also age of climate change
Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 161
cognitive skills: constructive frugality and, 91; development of, 150; elaboration, 57, 65–67; empathy, 39, 40, 47, 130, 135; flexibility, 37, 61, 64, 74; gender differences, 135; individualistic, 6, 118; limitations of, 61, 62, 120; remediating deficits in, 5–6; systems thinking, 157
collaboration, 29–53; adaptive cycle and, 23, 33; barriers to, 62, 130, 142, 146; binocular vision and, 5, 36–37, 52; contextual influences, 31–32; cultivating skills for, 50–53, 134, 164; cultural norms and, 36, 145; education on, 150–53, 156–57, 159; empathy and, 5, 29–32, 38–42, 38b, 152; flourishing and, 33–35, 37, 79, 126, 135; in green road scenario, 172, 173; hope and, 5, 29, 32, 38b, 42–46, 135; organizational cultures and, 165–66; resilience skills and, 32, 33; in rocky road scenario, 174; systems thinking and, 114, 118, 121, 138; trust and, 5, 29, 32, 35, 38b, 46–50, 135
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), 151
collective-action problems, 35, 119–20, 171
Collins, Jim, 108
common-good skills and, 112–14, 119
Common Ground School (New Haven, Connecticut), 155–56
competition: adaptability and, 188n13; in adaptive cycle, 17–20; binocular vision and, 5, 36–37; capitalism and, 14, 32; contextual influences, 31–32; conviction and, 54, 58; in educational settings, 32, 141; flourishing and, 135; leadership and, 32; in legal system, 30; media environment and, 32; in political processes, 34, 143; for resources, 35, 136; in rocky road scenario, 174, 175; social norms and, 31
Confucianism, 4
conservation phase (adaptive cycle): competition during, 32; control regimes in, 137; description of, 177n1; global systems and, 21, 54, 179n16; hierarchical structures of, 26, 33; planetary boundaries and, 21–23; social systems and, 18–19; sustainability and, 20, 125
constructive frugality, 83–84, 87–93, 88b, 96, 184n12
consumption: conscious, 95; conspicuous, 130; environmental impact, 83, 95; global distribution of, 96; in green road scenario, 172; planetary processes and, 12, 15; population growth and, 12, 82; in rocky road scenario, 174; US spending trends, 93–94; willpower to avoid, 86, 87. See also abundance; frugality
conviction, 54–74; biases and, 59, 60, 66, 70; binocular vision and, 37, 65, 69, 79; climate change and, 57–58, 67; cognitive elaboration and, 57, 65–67; competition and, 54, 58; ego preoccupation and, 57, 61, 65; emotional commitment and, 57, 59–61, 65–70, 182n12; feedback loops and, 56, 59, 63; gender neutrality of, 135; hardened, 56–67, 79, 121, 138, 142; humility integrated with, 65–69, 74, 78, 79; intellectual arrogance and, 56, 62–64, 70, 182n12; leadership and, 54–56, 64–67, 69, 79, 174; media environment and, 58, 59, 71; political polarization and, 56, 73; social norms and, 5, 55, 79; softening skills, 61, 62b, 64, 66–70, 162
conviction conveyor belt, 5, 56–61, 65–66, 71, 142
courage, 4, 26, 27, 134, 136–38, 146
Cousins, Gregory, 104
COVID-19 pandemic, 13, 24–25, 59, 119–20, 141
creativity, 16, 26, 28, 63–64, 69, 86
Criles, George, 68
critical race theory, 143
cultural capital, 129
cultural norms: abundance and, 81–82; adaptive cycle and, 17; character traits and, 1, 4; collaboration and, 36, 145; education and, 117, 143, 145–49, 152; humility and, 145, 146; resilience skills and, 8, 129, 140–43, 169–70; shifts in, 25, 134, 140–43, 148–49, 166, 169–70, 173; sustainability and, 7; US export of, 9
culture change: flourishing and, 9; motivations for, 5, 149; organizational, 166; social movements and, 139; sustainability and, 6–7; urgency of, 140–43; wicked problems and, 99
The Day after Tomorrow (film), 110
Dean, Carly A., 93
decentering-self skills, 61, 62b, 70–73, 77, 135, 138, 151, 156
deep ecology movement, 3–4, 177n8
Deimler, Mike, 188n13
delayed gratification, 84–86, 99–101
Duckworth, Angela, 136
Durkheim, Émile, 186n16
economic inequality, 95, 119, 142
Eco Schools program (National Wildlife Federation), 155
education, 148–70; adaptive cycle and, 26, 27, 117; autonomy of students, 144–45; character, 143–46, 151–53, 158–59; charter schools, 152, 153, 155; on climate change, 25, 168–69; on collaboration, 150–53, 156–57, 159; competition in, 32, 141; in conviction-oriented culture, 60; critical race theory in, 143; cultural norms and, 117, 143, 145–49, 152; diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, 25, 152–53; on empathy, 143, 162; employer perceptions of, 52; feedback loops in, 116, 117; green schools, 154–55, 189n16; homogenization of students, 144, 145, 154, 162; informal and nonformal, 8, 149–50, 163–69; leadership in, 148, 155–59; moralized, 144–46, 152, 154, 167; on resilience skills, 8, 127, 130–31, 141–50, 156–70; social-emotional learning, 150–53; social justice, 152–53, 159; on SRR skills, 88, 184n18; student debt, 15, 93; on sustainability, 117, 140, 146, 153–67, 189n17; systems thinking and, 110, 112, 116–17, 130, 152–59. See also specific institutions
Ehrenfeld, John, 95
electric vehicles, 24, 95, 125
Eliasson, Olafur: Ice Watch, 25
Eliot, T. S., 83
elites and elitism, 7, 14–15, 32, 129–32, 174
emotional commitment, 57, 59–61, 65–70, 182n12
empathy: biases and, 29, 30, 39–40; cognitive, 39, 40, 47, 130, 135; collaboration and, 5, 29–32, 38–42, 38b, 152; in communication of hope, 44; education on, 143, 162; emotional, 30, 39–41, 135; just sustainability and, 126; leadership and, 39, 41; in legal system, 30–31, 39, 41; skills associated with, 38–42, 38b, 49, 131; social-emotional learning and, 151
environmental movement, 34, 67, 80, 100
Epicurus and Epicureans, 89, 95
Evans, Bob, 7
farming. See agriculture
feedback loops: in adaptive cycle, 18; balancing, 108, 109, 112; climate change and, 108; conversational, 110; conviction and, 56, 59, 63; in education, 116, 117; humility skills and, 73, 77; planetary boundaries and, 2, 13; reinforcing, 73, 108, 109, 112; resilience skills and, 6, 148; scenario planning and, 172; systems thinking and, 106–9, 109f, 112; technological development and, 81
Fesmire, Steve, 102
financial capital, 124
flourishing: character traits and, 1, 3–5, 133, 138–39, 152, 175; collaboration and, 33–35, 37, 79, 126, 135; competition and, 135; culture change and, 9; elements of, 2–3, 7, 138; frugality and, 92–96, 126, 138; in green road scenario, 172, 173; happiness vs., 2, 133–34; humility and, 61–64, 69–70, 79, 126, 135; individual barriers to, 129–39; morality and, 133–34; resilience skills and, 6, 8, 9, 138; in rocky road scenario, 175; skillful habits and, 2–6, 6f, 9, 12, 73, 139; social challenges and, 14; sustainability and, 1, 9, 28, 121, 126; systems thinking and, 116–21, 126; well-being and, 2, 5, 177nn5–7
flywheels, 108
Ford Foundation, 26
fossil fuels, 22, 98, 104, 124–25, 172, 174
Framework for K–12 Science Education (National Research Council), 156
Franklin, Benjamin, 81, 83–86, 102, 132, 183n9, 184nn11–12
Franklin, Josiah, 84
Freeman, Dorothy, 78
friendships: Aristotle on, 78, 183n30; building and nurturing, 40, 91; constructive frugality and, 84, 89; hope strengthened by, 44; life satisfaction levels and, 94; reflective learning through, 74, 78
frugality, 80–103; barriers to development of, 129–30; binocular vision and, 37, 101; constructive, 83–84, 87–93, 88b, 96, 184n12; cultivating skills for, 157, 161, 164; flourishing and, 92–96, 126, 138; of Franklin, 81, 83–86, 183n9, 184n12; gender neutrality of, 135; in green road scenario, 173; historical views of, 82–83; humility and, 79, 154; integral, 184n24; as necessity, 81, 83, 84, 99–100, 129, 174; resilience skills and, 82, 93, 183n7; restrictive, 83–89, 100; in rocky road scenario, 174; skills associated with, 84–97, 88b, 99, 131; social-emotional learning and, 151; social norms and, 81; sustainability and, 5, 82, 95, 96, 134; systems thinking and, 121; technology and, 96–99; “touching the world lightly” and, 91–92, 101–2, 184n24
Garrett, Shaylyn Romney, 48, 119–20, 141, 181n40, 186–87n18
Gayeton, Douglas, 160
gender and skillful habits, 134–35
General Social Survey, 94, 181n40
gig economy, 15
Gleason, Henry, 186n16
global warming. See climate change
gratitude, 73, 77, 143–44, 152, 170, 174
Green Mountain College (Vermont), 101, 116–17, 131, 145, 160–62
Green Mountain Power (GMP), 72, 166
Green New Deal, 34
Greensburg (Kansas), rebuilding plan for, 27
Grossmann, Igor, 131
growth phase, 18. See adaptive cycle
Guida, Allyson, 150
happiness, 2, 43, 90, 93–95, 133–34
Hart, David Bentley, 83
Hawken, Paul, 8, 42, 43, 140, 142
Hawley, Josh, 134
Hazelwood, Joseph, 104
Hebron (New York), ten-year plan for, 113–14
Heckman, James J., 150
Heinberg, Richard, 179n9, 179n16
heliocentric model, 64
hope: climate change and, 42–43, 45, 168; collaboration and, 5, 29, 32, 38b, 42–46, 135; courage and grit in relation to, 137, 138; in rocky road scenario, 174; skills associated with, 38b, 43–46; trust in relation to, 48
Hopper, Edward: Nighthawks, 90
human capital, 124
humility, 61–79; adaptive cycle and, 63; barriers to development of, 129, 130; binocular vision and, 37, 65, 69, 79, 163; conviction integrated with, 65–69, 74, 78, 79; cultivating skills for, 73–79, 134, 157, 159, 164, 167; cultural norms and, 145, 146; flourishing and, 61–64, 69–70, 79, 126, 135; frugality and, 79, 154; in green road scenario, 173; leadership and, 72–73; in rocky road scenario, 174; self-assessment and, 61, 70; skills associated with, 41, 61, 62b, 64, 69–79, 131, 134–35; social-emotional learning and, 151; social interaction views of, 61, 70; social justice education and, 152; social norms and, 5, 55, 162; systems thinking and, 114, 121, 138
Hurricane Andrew (1992), 24
Hurricane Irma (2017), 24
Hurricane Katrina (2005), 33
Hurricane Wilma (2005), 24
immigration, 2, 13, 20, 35, 58
income inequality, 2, 24–25, 105, 118, 124, 140
individualism: binocular vision and, 37; causation and, 105, 115; collective-action problems and, 119–20; in educational settings, 141; historical trends, 119; loneliness and, 26; in Progressive Era, 187n18; in rocky road scenario, 174, 175; skillful habits and, 6, 9, 118; systems skills integrated with, 114–16
inequality: economic, 95, 119, 142; in green road scenario, 172; income, 2, 24–25, 105, 118, 124, 140; in rocky road scenario, 173–74
integral frugality, 184n24
intellectual arrogance, 56, 62–64, 70, 182n12
International Monetary Fund, 22
IPAT formula, 95
Islamic State (ISIS), 64
Kaplan, Abraham, 120
Kaplan, Rachel, 87
Karelas, Andreas, 140
Kashdan, Todd, 72
Katzmair, Harald, 93
Kepler, Johannes, 64
Kerry, John, 54
Kimmerer, Robin, 87
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 44
Kraus, Michael, 130
Kunstler, James, 10
Lagarde, Christine, 183n3
Lakatos, Imre, 182n13
Lakewood Elementary School (Sunnyvale, California), 150–51
land ethic, defined, 113
law of the instrument, 120
leadership: in adaptive cycle, 20, 26; competitive approach to, 32; conviction and, 54–56, 64–67, 69, 79, 174; in education, 148, 155–59; empathy and, 39, 41; hope fostered by, 44; humility and, 72–73; systems thinking and, 116, 118; trust building by, 49
Leading the Sustainability Transition (LST), 166–67
Lear, Jonathan, 45
Leopold, Aldo, 76, 105, 112–13
Lerch, Daniel, 136
leverage points, 28, 111–12, 126–27, 142, 186n14
Lincoln, Abraham, 73
Malthus, Thomas, 80
Markovits, Daniel, 32
marshmallow experiments, 85–86
Maslow, Abraham, 120
massive open online courses (MOOCs), 163–64
material abundance. See abundance
Mayberry, Matt, 166
McGerr, Michael, 187n18
Meadows, Donella, 106, 111, 186n5
media environment: competition and, 32; conviction and, 58, 59, 71; fragmentation of, 22, 58, 59; polarization reinforced by, 13, 142; social media, 13, 58, 169, 170
mental health, 14, 73, 97, 133
mentors, 50–52, 73–74, 154, 158, 160
Meredith, Hugh, 84
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment reports, 178n9
Mills, Stephanie, 1
Minow, Martha, 41
Montaigne, Michel de, 137
Montreal Protocol (1987), 179n18
Moore, Michael, 99
“movement that has no name,” 8, 140, 142
Moy, Ken, 51
National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, 151
National Research Council, 156
National Wildlife Federation, 155
natural disasters, 12, 13, 93. See also specific types of events
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), 156
Nordhouse, Ted, 34
norms. See cultural norms; social norms
North Kona Dryland Forest Working Group, 74–79
Norton, Bryan, 165
objective list theory, 3, 177n6
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 10, 33
ocean acidification, 2, 12, 98
Oliver, Mary, 175
100 Resilient Cities initiative (Rockefeller Foundation), 24
O’Neil, Brian C., 172
Opdebeeck, Hendrik, 89
organizational cultures, 20, 165–66
Oxford Character Project, 158
Piasecki, Bruce, 183n9
Pinker, Steven, 183n3
planetary boundaries, 2, 12–13, 21–23, 34, 82, 118, 126, 132
Planet of the Humans (film), 99
Plato, 86
Plenty Coup (Crow chief), 45
political polarization: adaptive cycle and, 22; in age of climate change, 2; conviction and, 56, 73; COVID-19 pandemic and, 59; resilience skills and, 134, 135, 143–44; trust issues and, 46, 49; as wicked problem, 16
pollution, 12, 21, 45, 98, 123. See also greenhouse gases
population growth, 10, 12, 35, 80–82, 172, 174
positive psychology, 4, 90, 152
Poultney (Vermont), community wells in, 122–23
Prinz, Jesse, 39
Progressive Era, 119, 120, 187n18
Project WET, 154
Prust, Dick, 52
Putnam, Hilary, 41
Reed, Deborah, 84
Reeves, Martin, 188n13
reflection skills: application of, 74–79; education on, 156, 157, 167; friendships and, 74, 78; gender neutrality of, 135; humility and, 61, 62b, 70–71; in rocky road scenario, 174; social-emotional learning and, 151
reinforcing feedback loops, 73, 108, 109, 112
release phase (adaptive cycle): apocalyptic framing of, 20, 179n15; collaboration during, 33, 41; description of, 177n1; feedback loops in, 18; global systems and, 54; humility and, 63; opportunities involving, 23–28; planetary boundaries and, 21–23, 126; reflection skills and, 70; in rocky road scenario, 174; social capital for, 47; social systems and, 19; sustainability and, 125; threshold analysis and, 111; uncertainties during, 71, 118–19
religion, 8, 48, 158, 167–68. See also specific religions
relocalization movement, 82, 125
Renella, Donna, 50
renewable energy: acceleration of shift to, 142; convictions regarding, 57, 63; in green road scenario, 172; limitations of, 98–99; promotion of, 55, 125; solar, 24, 95, 98, 102, 161; wind, 24, 27, 98
reorganization phase, 18, 21, 136–37. See adaptive cycle
resilience skills: adaptive cycle and, 23–24; collaboration and, 32, 33; cultural norms and, 8, 129, 140–43, 169–70; education on, 8, 127, 130–31, 141–50, 156–70; explanation of, 6; feedback loops and, 6, 148; flourishing and, 6, 8, 9, 138; frugality and, 82, 93, 183n7; in green road scenario, 173; organizational cultures and, 165–66; political polarization and, 134, 135, 143–44; in rocky road scenario, 174; scaling up, 128, 134, 139–50, 153, 162, 169–70; social norms and, 134, 139, 140, 147, 169; sustainability and, 121, 140–47; systems thinking and, 117, 121. See also barriers to resilience skill development/scaling up
Resilient 305 strategy (Miami), 24
restrictive frugality, 83–89, 100
Robinson, Kim Stanley, 28
Rockefeller Foundation, 24
role models: for character development, 152; for Christian virtues, 167; collaborative skills and, 50, 51; conviction and, 58; frugality skills and, 129; resilience skills and, 132, 139, 159, 162
Rosenberg, Marshall, 160
Russian invasion of Ukraine (2022), 36
satiation skills, 86
Schmidt, Eric, 183n3
schooling. See education
Schwartz, Steve, 182n12, 187n6, 190n4
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), 121–22, 124
SEL (social-emotional learning), 150–53
self-provisioning, repair, and reuse (SRR) skills, 86–88, 88b, 161, 184n18
self-restraint skills, 83–89, 88b, 92, 100–101, 151, 156, 184n12
Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP), 172
Shellenberger, Michael, 11, 34
Shriver, Tim, 151
simple-living movements, 83, 87, 89
skillful habits: adaptive cycle and, 17, 23, 28, 175; binocular vision and, 37, 132, 143, 149, 175; character traits as, 4–5; contextual influences, 31–32, 136; Cornucopians and, 81; flourishing and, 2–6, 6f, 9, 12, 73, 139; gender and, 134–35; ideological associations, 134–36; individualism and, 6, 9, 118; self-assessment of, 102–3; sustainability and, 5, 28, 121; virtue theory and, 177n11. See also specific skills
Snyder, C. R., 43
social capital, 32, 47, 58, 122, 124, 164, 181n40
social-emotional learning (SEL), 150–53
social justice education, 152–53, 159
social media, 13, 58, 169, 170
social norms: behavioral change and, 178n6; competition and, 31; conviction and, 5, 55; frugality and, 81; humility and, 5, 55, 162; influences on, 9, 119; I–We–I trajectory and, 186–87n18; resilience skills and, 134, 139, 140, 147, 169
soft-conviction skills, 61, 62b, 64, 66–70, 162
solar energy, 24, 95, 98, 102, 161
solastalgia, 13
Sotomayor, Sonia, 29–30, 38–39, 41, 50–53, 102–3
SRR (self-provisioning, repair, and reuse) skills, 86–88, 88b, 161, 184n18
SSP (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways), 172
standard of living, 14, 22, 82, 124
STARS (Sustainability Tracking and Rating System), 159
Stoddard, Carl, 131
Summers, Larry, 183n3
sustainability: adaptive cycle and, 20–21, 28, 125; agriculture and, 155, 159; cultural norms and, 7; culture change and, 6–7; defined, 121–22, 124; education on, 117, 140, 146, 153–67, 189n17; flourishing and, 1, 9, 28, 121, 126; frugality and, 5, 82, 95, 96, 134; global approach, 4; in green road scenario, 172, 173; just, 7, 124–26, 134, 136, 140, 172; resilience skills and, 121, 140–47; in rocky road scenario, 174; skillful habits and, 5, 28, 121; systems thinking and, 122–26, 134
Sustainability Tracking and Rating System (STARS), 159
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 121–22, 124
systems thinking, 104–27; adaptive cycle and, 105, 118–19; binocular vision and, 37, 115, 117; collaboration and, 114, 118, 121, 138; common-good skills and, 112–14, 119; description skills in, 106–7; education and, 110, 112, 116–17, 130, 152–59; feedback loops and, 106–9, 109f, 112; flourishing and, 116–21, 126; frugality and, 121; gender and political neutrality of, 135; humility and, 114, 121, 138; individualism integrated with, 114–16; leadership and, 116, 118; leverage point assessment and, 111–12, 186n14; literature review, 186n5; resilience skills and, 117, 121; in rocky road scenario, 174; sustainability and, 122–26, 134; threshold analysis in, 110–11, 186n11
technology: abundance and, 80–82, 94; changes in, 1–3, 14, 22, 99, 163; innovations, 15, 24–25, 99, 126; science in development of, 67; systemic impacts, 97–99, 185n44
techno-optimists, 183n3
“thinking like a mountain” metaphor, 105, 112–13
Thomashow, Mitch, 160
Thompson, Allen, 45
threshold analysis, 110–11, 186n11
thrift. See frugality
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 115
“touching the world lightly” skills, 91–92, 101–2, 184n24
transition-town movement, 125
trust: authentic, 46–47; barriers to development of, 130; breaches of, 32, 47, 49–50; building, 46, 47, 49, 52, 66, 168; calculative approach to, 47–48; collaboration and, 5, 29, 32, 35, 38b, 46–50, 135; emotionalization of, 47; in government, 22, 24, 34, 120, 123; hope in relation to, 48; in institutions, 13, 14, 48, 59, 64, 126, 158; interpersonal, 48, 164; skills associated with, 38b, 47, 49
Ukraine, Russian invasion of (2022), 36
United Nations (UN): on collaborative and systems-thinking skills, 148; Decade for Education for Sustainable Development, 153, 163; planetary boundary threat management and, 22; Sustainable Development Goals, 121–22, 124
University of Birmingham (UK), 158
violence, 2, 14, 22, 34, 62, 135–36
virtues: balance and, 146–47; Christian, 79, 167; defined, 4; ethics and, 177–78n11; Franklin on, 85; friendship and, 78; masculinity and, 134; Taoist, 79, 92. See also specific virtues
Waldinger, Robert, 94
Wallace-Wells, David, 10
Washington, George, 73
Wason experiment, 60
Weber, Max, 186n16
well-being, 2, 5, 94, 172, 173, 177nn5–7
Westacott, Emrys, 92
wicked problems: climate change, 16, 98–99; collaboration and, 23, 32–35; political polarization, 16; reductionism and, 118, 120; systemic dimensions of, 63; tame problems vs., 15–16; technological innovation and, 25
Williams, Terry Tempest, 90
Williston, Byron, 10, 42–43, 45
wisdom: of frugality, 87, 92; in green road scenario, 173; life experience and, 72, 131, 137, 171; of renewable energy incentives, 63; resilience skills and, 167; resources for pursuit of, 99
Wondolleck, Julia Marie, 35
Zsolnai, László, 89