“Start of Content” in “The Counterhuman Imaginary”
I am grateful for still-ongoing discussions with the students in my graduate seminars at Cornell University on “The Rise of the Animal,” “Other Than Human Forms,” “New Materialism,” and “The Counterhuman Imaginary.”
And I am deeply indebted to the advice, expertise, interest, support, enthusiasm, and engagement of Tita Chico, Peter Katzenstein, Felicity Nussbaum, Mahinder Kingra, and especially James Kerrigan.
A version of chapter 1 appeared in The Eighteenth Century, Special Issue in Honor of Felicity Nussbaum: “The Future World of Eighteenth-Century Studies,” ed. Manushag Powell, 62 (2021): 153–168.
A version of chapter 2 appeared in Robinson Crusoe after 300 Years, ed. Andreas Mueller and Glynis Ridley (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2020), 81–98.
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